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Public Law Coursework

Public Law Coursework

I. Course Overview

  • Course Title: [Public Law: Policy Analysis]

  • Instructor: [Your Name]

  • Course Duration: [January 20, 2050] - [May 10, 2050]

  • Location: [Law School Building, Room 301]

II. Course Objectives

  1. Exploring the role of policy analysis in public law equips learners to understand how government policies are rigorously examined to ensure they serve the public good within legal boundaries.

  2. Investigating the implications of existing laws on society allows students to grasp the profound influence legal frameworks have on societal structures, cultural norms, and individual rights.

  3. Crafting reforms based on policy analysis empowers leaders to identify areas where laws can be enhanced to better address societal needs, promoting fairness, efficiency, and effectiveness in governance.

  4. Assessing the societal impact of legal decisions through policy analysis enables students to discern how these decisions shape power dynamics, social norms, and individual rights, enhancing their understanding of law's broader implications.

III. Schedule



Assignments Due

Week 1

Introduction to Policy Analysis

Readings: Chapters 1-3

Week 2

Analyzing Legal Frameworks

Case Brief: Roe v. Wade

Week 3

Policy Evaluation Techniques

Essay: Evaluating the Affordable Care Act

Week 4

Reforms and Amendments

Research Paper Proposal Due: Topic - "Reforming Criminal Justice Policies"

Week 5

Impact Assessment

Presentation: Analyzing the Effects of Environmental Regulations

Week 6

Public Policy Implementation

Quiz: Assessing the Implementation of Tax Policies

Week 7

Stakeholder Analysis

Group Project: Analyzing the Impact of Immigration Policies

Week 8

Revision and Review

Final Exam Review

IV. Resources

  • Textbook: "Policy Analysis: Concepts and Practice" by David Weimer and Aidan Vining

  • Additional Readings: Articles from Public Administration Review, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management

  • Online Resources: [Links to relevant websites]

V. Assignments

  • Case Brief: Analyze the landmark case Roe v. Wade and discuss its policy implications on reproductive rights.

  • Essay: Write an essay evaluating the Affordable Care Act and its impact on healthcare policy.

  • Research Paper Proposal: Submit a proposal for a research paper focusing on reforms in criminal justice policies.

  • Presentation: Prepare a presentation on the effects of environmental regulations on public policy.

  • Quiz: Take a quiz to assess your understanding of tax policies and their implementation.

  • Group Project: Collaborate with peers on a project analyzing the impact of immigration policies on different stakeholders.

VI. Assessment

  • Participation: 20%

  • Assignments: 40%

  • Midterm Exam: 15%

  • Final Exam: 25%

VII. Contact Information

For any questions or concerns, please contact: