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Investigation Coursework

Investigation Coursework

Prepared by:

[Your Name]


[Your Email Address]

Contact Number:

[Your Phone Number]

I. Introduction

Welcome to the English Language Investigation coursework! This coursework is designed to explore various aspects of the English language, including its structure, usage, and evolution. Through a combination of theoretical analysis, linguistic research, and practical applications, you will investigate the intricacies of language use and its implications in different contexts.

II. Course Objectives

  1. Understand Linguistic Concepts: Gain a comprehensive understanding of fundamental linguistic concepts such as phonetics, morphology, syntax, and semantics.

  2. Analyze Language Variation: Explore the diversity of language variation across different social, cultural, and geographical contexts.

  3. Investigate Language Change: Examine the historical development and evolution of the English language, including factors influencing linguistic change.

III. Course Schedule






Introduction to Linguistics

Chapter 1: Introduction to Linguistics

Linguistic Analysis Exercise


Phonetics and Phonology

Chapter 2: Phonetics and Phonology

Transcription Task


Morphology and Syntax

Chapter 3: Morphology and Syntax

Morphological Analysis


Semantics and Pragmatics

Chapter 4: Semantics and Pragmatics

Semantic Analysis



Chapter 5: Sociolinguistics

Language Variation Study


Language Change and Evolution

Chapter 6: Language Change and Evolution

Research Paper Proposal

IV. Course Materials

  • Textbook:

    • An Introduction to Language by Victoria Fromkin, Robert Rodman, and Nina Hyams

  • Additional Readings:

    • The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language by Steven Pinker

    • Language Change: Progress or Decay? by Jean Aitchison

  • Online Resources:

    • Linguistic corpora and databases for empirical analysis

    • Language variation maps and interactive tools

  • Supplementary Materials:

    • Audio recordings and transcripts for phonetic analysis

    • Linguistic case studies and research articles

V. Conclusion

By completing this coursework, you will have gained a deeper understanding of the English language and its underlying structures, as well as the ability to critically analyze language use in different contexts. We look forward to your engagement and exploration of linguistic phenomena throughout the course.

VI. References

  1. Fromkin, V., Rodman, R., & Hyams, N. (2050). An Introduction to Language. Cengage Learning.

  2. Pinker, S. (2051). The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language. Harper Perennial.

  3. Aitchison, J. (2052). Language Change: Progress or Decay?. Cambridge University Press.

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