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Coursework for High School

Coursework for High School

I. Course Information

  • Course Name: Advanced Mathematics

  • Instructor: [Your Name]

  • School: Jefferson High School

  • Term/Year: Fall 2050

II. Course Overview

A. Objectives

  • Develop advanced problem-solving skills in mathematics.

  • Explore higher-level mathematical concepts.

  • Prepare for college-level mathematics courses.

B. Description

  • This course delves into advanced topics in algebra, geometry, and calculus, aiming to challenge and expand students' understanding of mathematical concepts.

III. Assignments

A. Weekly Assignments

  1. Week 1:

    • Complete exercises on polynomial equations.

    • Due Date: 09/10/2050

  2. Week 2:

    • Solve problems involving trigonometric functions.

    • Due Date: 09/17/2050

B. Major Projects

  1. Project 1:

    • Research and present a real-world application of calculus.

    • Due Date: 10/15/2050

  2. Project 2:

    • Design and solve a mathematical modeling problem.

    • Due Date: 11/20/2050

IV. Exams

A. Midterm Exam

  • Date: 10/30/2050

  • Topics Covered: Algebra, Geometry

B. Final Exam

  • Date: 12/15/2050

  • Topics Covered: Calculus, Trigonometry

V. Grading Criteria

A. Assignments

  • Accuracy: 50%

  • Timeliness: 20%

  • Neatness and Presentation: 30%

B. Projects

  • Research Quality: 30%

  • Creativity: 30%

  • Presentation: 40%

C. Exams

  • Conceptual Understanding: 40%

  • Problem-Solving Skills: 40%

  • Application of Concepts: 20%

VI. Resources

  • Textbook: "Advanced Mathematics: Concepts and Applications" by Jane Doe

  • Supplementary Materials: Online tutorials, Khan Academy

VII. Contact Information

  • Instructor: [Your Name]

  • Email: [Your Email]

  • Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday, 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

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