Salon Workplace Policy

1. Introduction

Purpose of the Policy

The primary purpose of this Workplace Policy ("Policy") at [Your Company Name] is to ensure a professional, safe, and harmonious environment for all employees and clients. This Policy outlines the standards and procedures by which our salon operates, ensuring consistency in practices and fairness in treatment. It serves as a guide to the expectations we hold and the culture we cultivate at [Your Company Name].


This Policy applies to all individuals working at [Your Company Name], across all positions, including full-time stylists, part-time receptionists, apprentice beauticians, and managerial staff. Compliance with this Policy is mandatory, and any violations may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

2. Employment Policies

Equal Opportunity Employment

[Your Company Name] is committed to creating a workplace that is inclusive, equitable, and free from discrimination. We adhere strictly to the principles of Equal Opportunity Employment, ensuring all employment practices such as hiring, promotion, and compensation are conducted without regard to race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, age, or veteran status.

Hiring Practices

Our hiring process is designed to be transparent and merit-based. Candidates are evaluated based on their skills, experience, and ability to contribute positively to our workplace culture. The typical hiring process is as follows:

  • Application Submission: Candidates must submit a detailed resume and a cover letter through our website.

  • Initial Screening: Applications are reviewed, and candidates meeting the required qualifications are contacted for an initial interview.

  • Practical Assessment: Depending on the role, candidates may be required to demonstrate practical skills relevant to salon work.

  • Final Interview: Candidates who pass the practical assessment will meet with senior management for a final interview.

  • Background Checks: Successful candidates will undergo reference checks and, if applicable, background checks before an offer is made.

Employee Classification

Employees at [Your Company Name] are classified into the following categories:

  • Full-Time Employees: Work a standard 40-hour week and are eligible for all company-provided benefits.

  • Part-Time Employees: Work less than 30 hours per week and receive pro-rated benefits based on their hours.

  • Contract Employees: Hired for specific durations or projects with terms specified in individual contracts. They do not receive company-provided benefits unless specified in the contract.

3. Code of Conduct

Professional Behavior

All employees are expected to conduct themselves professionally during work hours and while representing [Your Company Name]. This includes but is not limited to, treating coworkers and clients with respect, adhering to ethical practices, and maintaining a positive attitude. Employees should also adhere to confidentiality agreements and avoid conflicts of interest. Regular tardiness, unexcused absences, or any form of harassment will result in disciplinary actions.

Dress Code

Employees are required to wear the company-provided uniform while on duty. The uniform consists of a black apron with the company logo, to be worn over comfortable, professional attire. Hair should be neatly styled, and nails should be clean and well-maintained. Visible tattoos should be covered, and piercings should be kept to a minimum in line with maintaining a professional appearance.


At [Your Company Name], we prioritize the confidentiality of our clients above all else. It is our policy to ensure that all information regarding client bookings, the services we provide, and any personal details are kept strictly confidential. Such information shall not be shared with individuals or entities outside the essential boundaries of our business operations unless we have received explicit consent from the client involved to do so.

4. Compensation and Benefits

Wages and Salaries

Compensation at [Your Company Name] is competitive and based on industry standards, experience, and role within the company. The following table outlines the starting salary ranges for various positions:


Starting Salary Range

Junior Stylist

$30,000 - $35,000

Senior Stylist

$36,000 - $45,000


$28,000 - $32,000

Salon Manager

$46,000 - $55,000

In addition to their base salary, employees are eligible to receive bonuses that are contingent upon their performance, as well as commissions for retail products that they successfully sell.

Overtime Policy

All overtime work must receive prior approval from management. Employees who are eligible for overtime payments will receive compensation at a rate of one and a half times their standard hourly rate, in compliance with applicable state and federal legislation.


Full-time employees enjoy a range of benefits including:

  • Health Insurance: Medical, dental, and vision plans are available.

  • Retirement Plan: Employees can contribute to a 401(k) plan, with a company match up to 3%.

  • Paid Time Off (PTO): Employees accrue 10 days of PTO per year, which increases with tenure.

  • Employee Discounts: Discounts on services and products are available to all employees.

5. Work Hours and Scheduling

Work Hours

[Your Company Name] operates from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM, Monday through Saturday. The salon is closed on Sundays. Work shifts are generally scheduled as follows:

  • Morning Shift: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

  • Evening Shift: 12:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Scheduling Policy

The salon manager is responsible for creating the schedules, which they will distribute to all employees at least two weeks before they take effect. It is the responsibility of each employee to manage their individual shifts effectively. If an employee wishes to exchange a shift with another, they must first obtain approval from the manager. Furthermore, any employee who needs time off is required to submit their request for approval at least four weeks in advance.

Breaks and Rest Periods

Employees who are engaged in working a complete shift of eight hours are entitled to receive one unpaid lunch break lasting 30 minutes and two paid breaks, each lasting 15 minutes. It is required that employees coordinate their break times with their manager to guarantee that service coverage remains uninterrupted throughout the workday.

6. Health and Safety

Sanitation Standards

At [Your Company Name], maintaining a clean and hygienic environment is essential for the safety of both clients and employees. The following table outlines the sanitation procedures that must be followed:


Sanitation Procedure

Hair Cutting Tools

Clean and disinfect after each use with an EPA-approved disinfectant.

Styling Stations

Wipe down all surfaces with disinfectant before and after each client.

Shampoo Bowls

Clean and disinfect after each use, including chairs and handles.

Towels and Linens

Use fresh for each client. Launder using hot water and bleach after a single use.

Waiting Area

Clean and disinfect seats, magazines, and any shared items daily.

It is mandatory for employees to thoroughly cleanse their hands using soap and water, ensuring that the washing process lasts no less than twenty seconds, both before and after they attend to each client. Furthermore, dispensers filled with hand sanitizer are strategically positioned around the salon to be readily accessible for use by both employees and clients.

Safety Procedures

The following safety procedures are to be adhered to in order to prevent accidents and ensure a safe working environment:

  • Emergency Exits and Routes: Clearly marked and kept free from obstruction at all times.

  • First Aid: A fully stocked first aid kit is available at the reception desk, and employees are trained in basic first aid and CPR.

  • Equipment Use: Only trained and authorized personnel may operate electrical equipment such as hair dryers, straighteners, and curling irons.

COVID-19 Policies

Given the ongoing concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the following policies are in place:

  • Masks: Masks are required for both employees and clients regardless of vaccination status.

  • Social Distancing: Stations are spaced at least six feet apart to maintain social distancing.

  • Health Screenings: Employees must undergo daily temperature checks and symptom screenings before starting their shifts.

7. Client Relations

Service Standards

Our commitment to excellent client service is what distinguishes [Your Company Name] in the competitive salon industry. Employees are expected to greet clients warmly, maintain a positive demeanor throughout the service, and ensure client satisfaction before they leave. Feedback is encouraged, and employees should strive to resolve any client concerns with professionalism and courtesy.

Handling Complaints

The procedure for handling client complaints is as follows:

  • Immediate Response: Employees should listen carefully and empathetically to the client’s complaint and attempt to resolve it immediately, if possible.

  • Escalation: If the complaint cannot be resolved at the moment, it should be escalated to the salon manager.

  • Documentation: All complaints must be documented in the client service log, including the nature of the complaint, actions taken, and the outcome.

  • Follow-Up: The salon manager will follow up with the client within 48 hours to ensure that the issue has been resolved satisfactorily.

Refund and Redo Policy

Our redo policy allows clients to request a correction of any service within three days of the original appointment, subject to the following conditions:

  • Valid Complaints: Corrections are offered for service-related complaints, not for changes to the original service requested.

  • Consultation Required: Clients must consult with the original stylist for the redo, or if unavailable, the salon manager will assign another qualified stylist.

  • Refunds: Refunds are considered on a case-by-case basis and are typically issued only when service corrections are not feasible.

8. Use of Salon Property

Equipment Use

All salon equipment and tools are to be used only for their intended purposes. Employees are trained on the proper use of each piece of equipment to ensure safety and prevent damage. The following guidelines must be adhered to:

  • Regular Inspection: Check tools for damage or wear before use and report any issues to the salon manager.

  • Proper Storage: Tools and equipment should be stored in their designated places after use to avoid loss and damage.

Retail Products

The sale of retail products is an integral part of our business model. Employees are expected to be knowledgeable about the products sold at [Your Company Name] and to use the following guidelines when handling products:

  • Product Knowledge: Employees must attend training sessions on new products and are expected to be able to answer client questions.

  • Inventory Management: Accurate tracking of inventory levels is critical. Report any discrepancies to the manager immediately.

9. Disciplinary Actions

Grounds for Disciplinary Action

Violations of company policies, unprofessional behavior, theft, repeated tardiness, or any actions that jeopardize the safety of others will result in disciplinary action. The process is designed to be transparent and fair, ensuring that all facts are considered before any action is taken.

Disciplinary Procedures

The typical disciplinary process includes the following steps:

  • Verbal Warning: The initial course of action taken for minor infractions involves documenting the incident in the employee's file.

  • Written Warning: For repeated or serious infractions, a written warning is issued, outlining the nature of the violation and the improvement expected.

  • Suspension or Termination: Severe or repeated violations may result in suspension or termination. Decisions are made after a thorough review by the management team.

10. Termination Policies


Employees who intend to terminate their employment are required to submit a written notice at least two weeks in advance. This notice period is crucial as it allows for the effective transitioning of client appointments and responsibilities, ensuring these are transferred smoothly to other members of the team.

Involuntary Termination

Involuntary termination decisions are made with careful consideration and are typically the result of failed disciplinary actions or business downturns. Employees will receive a termination letter detailing the reasons for the decision and information about benefits and final paycheck disbursement.

Exit Interviews

We strongly encourage all employees who are leaving our organization to engage in an exit interview as a means to offer their valuable feedback regarding their experiences during their tenure with us. This feedback is of utmost importance and instrumental in helping us enhance our organizational practices and foster a better workplace environment.

11. Policy Acknowledgment

Acknowledgment Form:

All employees are mandated to sign a form that acknowledges they have received, thoroughly read, and fully understood the Workplace Policy. This acknowledgment form is then maintained on file and serves as a mandatory condition for continued employment within the company.

12. Amendments

Policy Updates:

[Your Company Name] reserves the right to amend or revise any section of this Policy at any time. Employees will be notified of significant changes through official communications and are expected to understand and comply with the revised policies.

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