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Salon Maintenance Procedure

I. Introduction

A. Purpose

This document serves as a comprehensive guide for the maintenance procedures essential to uphold the highest standards of cleanliness, safety, and operational efficiency at [Your Company Name] Salon. By meticulously following these procedures, we ensure a hygienic environment for both staff and clients, promoting trust and satisfaction in our services.

B. Scope

The scope of this maintenance procedure encompasses all aspects of salon maintenance, including equipment, facilities, and hygiene practices. It applies to every area within the salon premises, from the reception and styling stations to the spa and washrooms.

C. Responsibilities

  • Salon Manager: As the primary overseer, the Salon Manager is responsible for ensuring the effective implementation of maintenance procedures. This includes coordinating with maintenance staff, conducting regular inspections, and liaising with external vendors for repairs and servicing.

  • Maintenance Staff: The maintenance team plays a crucial role in executing the tasks outlined in this procedure. They are tasked with conducting daily equipment checks, performing routine maintenance, and addressing any issues promptly to minimize downtime.

  • Cleaning Staff: Maintaining cleanliness is integral to our salon's reputation. The cleaning staff is responsible for ensuring that all areas are spotless, from sweeping floors to sanitizing equipment and surfaces. Their diligence contributes to creating a pleasant and hygienic environment for everyone.

II. Equipment Maintenance

A. Daily Equipment Checks



Action Required


Visual inspection for damage or malfunction

Replace or repair if any signs of damage or malfunction are detected

Styling Tools (e.g., flat irons, curling irons)

Check electrical cords for frays

Replace frayed cords or repair insulation as needed

Clean and sanitize after each use

Wipe down with disinfectant cleaner after each use

Daily checks ensure that equipment is in optimal condition before use. Any damage or malfunction can be addressed promptly, minimizing the risk of accidents or service interruptions.

B. Weekly Equipment Maintenance


Maintenance Task

Action Required


Deep cleaning

Disassemble and clean internal components, remove any debris or buildup

Styling Tools (e.g., flat irons, curling irons)


Check for any signs of wear or damage, lubricate moving parts as needed

Hydraulic Chairs

Check for leaks

Inspect hydraulic system for any leaks, address promptly if found

Weekly maintenance tasks ensure that equipment remains in good working condition and prolongs its lifespan. Deep cleaning removes any buildup that may affect performance, while inspections identify potential issues early on.

C. Monthly Equipment Calibration


Calibration Task

Action Required


Temperature settings

Calibrate temperature settings to ensure accuracy

Styling Tools (e.g., flat irons, curling irons)

Pressure and functionality of spa equipment

Test pressure and functionality of spa equipment, schedule servicing if necessary

Monthly calibration ensures that equipment operates at optimal levels, providing consistent results for clients. It also allows for early detection of any issues that may require professional servicing.

III. Facility Maintenance

A. Daily Cleaning Procedures




Action Required

Reception Area

Wipe down countertops, chairs, and other surfaces


Use disinfectant cleaner to wipe down surfaces. Empty trash bins and replace liners.

Styling Stations

Sanitize styling chairs, mirrors, and tools after each client


Use disinfectant spray to sanitize surfaces after each use. Sweep hair clippings from the floor.


Clean and sanitize sinks, toilets, and floors


Use disinfectant cleaner to clean sinks, faucets, and toilet seats. Refill soap dispensers and replace towels.

Waiting Area

Dust and wipe down furniture, shelves, and displays


Use microfiber cloth to dust surfaces. Vacuum or sweep floors. Empty trash bins.

Daily cleaning ensures that all areas within the salon are maintained to a high standard of cleanliness, creating a comfortable and hygienic environment for clients and staff alike.

B. Weekly Deep Cleaning




Action Required


Deep clean all floor surfaces, including carpets


Mop hard floors with disinfectant solution. Vacuum and shampoo carpets to remove dirt and stains.


Clean and disinfect all surfaces, including walls and partitions


Scrub and disinfect sinks, toilets, and floors. Replace toilet paper and restock supplies.

Storage Areas

Organize and declutter storage spaces, discard expired products


Dispose of any expired or unused products. Wipe down shelves and surfaces.

Weekly deep cleaning targets areas that may not receive daily attention, ensuring that dirt and grime are thoroughly removed to maintain a fresh and inviting atmosphere.

C. Monthly Maintenance Tasks




Action Required

HVAC System

Change air filters and clean vents, inspect for any issues


Replace air filters to maintain air quality. Clean vents and ductwork to ensure proper airflow.


Inspect pipes and fixtures for leaks, repair any issues found


Check for leaks under sinks, around toilets, and in plumbing fixtures. Repair or replace damaged components.

Lighting Fixtures

Dust and clean light fixtures, replace any burnt-out bulbs


Turn off power before cleaning. Use microfiber cloth to remove dust. Replace any burnt-out bulbs.

Monthly maintenance tasks focus on ensuring the functionality and safety of essential systems within the salon, such as HVAC, plumbing, and lighting, to provide a seamless experience for clients and staff.

IV. Hygiene Practices

A. Staff Hygiene

  1. Hand Hygiene: All staff members are required to adhere strictly to hand hygiene protocols. This includes washing hands thoroughly with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds before and after each client interaction, after using the restroom, before and after eating, and after handling money. Additionally, alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol content are available throughout the salon for staff use between handwashing intervals.

  2. Uniforms and Personal Grooming: Staff uniforms must be clean and well-maintained at all times. It is mandatory for staff to wear clean attire daily, including salon-provided aprons. Hair should be tied back and away from the face to prevent contact with clients during services. Additionally, staff members are required to refrain from wearing excessive jewelry or accessories that could harbor bacteria or interfere with service delivery.

  3. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): In accordance with health and safety guidelines, staff members are provided with appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) based on the services they provide. This may include disposable gloves, masks, face shields, or protective eyewear. Staff are required to wear PPE as mandated during services and dispose of single-use items appropriately after each client interaction.

B. Client Hygiene

  1. Disposable Items: To maintain optimal hygiene standards, disposable towels, capes, and other single-use items are provided to clients for each service. These items are stored in sealed containers and disposed of in designated waste bins after use. By utilizing disposable items, the risk of cross-contamination between clients is minimized, ensuring a safe and hygienic environment.

  2. Tool Sanitization: All reusable tools and implements, including combs, brushes, scissors, and clippers, undergo thorough sanitization protocols between each client appointment. This involves cleaning the tools with soap and water to remove debris, followed by immersion in an EPA-approved disinfectant solution for the recommended contact time. After disinfection, tools are rinsed with clean water and dried thoroughly before reuse.

  3. Sanitation Stations: Hand hygiene is promoted among clients through the provision of sanitation stations equipped with alcohol-based hand sanitizers and disposable tissues. These stations are strategically located throughout the salon, including at the entrance, reception area, styling stations, and restrooms, to encourage frequent hand sanitization by clients before and after services. Additionally, signage emphasizing the importance of hand hygiene and proper respiratory etiquette is prominently displayed in these areas to reinforce good practices.

V. Record Keeping

A. Maintenance Logs

  1. Daily Logs: A designated staff member is responsible for maintaining a daily maintenance log, which includes detailed records of all maintenance activities conducted within the salon. This log captures information such as equipment checks, cleaning tasks performed, and any issues identified during the day. Each entry includes the date, time, description of the task, and the initials of the staff member responsible for completing it.

  2. Servicing and Repairs: In addition to daily maintenance records, any servicing or repairs conducted by external vendors are documented in the maintenance log. This includes details such as the nature of the service, vendor information, date of service, and any follow-up actions required. By keeping comprehensive records, [Your Company Name] Salon ensures accountability and facilitates timely maintenance interventions.

B. Incident Reports

  1. Documentation Protocol: Staff members are trained to report any incidents or accidents promptly using standardized incident report forms. These forms capture essential details such as the date, time, location, description of the incident, individuals involved, and any immediate actions taken. Incident reports are submitted to the salon manager for review and follow-up actions.

  2. Investigation and Resolution: Upon receiving an incident report, the salon manager conducts a thorough investigation to determine the root cause of the incident and identify preventive measures to mitigate future occurrences. Depending on the severity of the incident, corrective actions may include additional staff training, equipment inspections, or facility modifications.

VI. Training and Communication

A. Staff Training

  1. Initial Training: New staff members undergo comprehensive training on maintenance procedures, hygiene practices, and safety protocols as part of their orientation process. This training covers topics such as proper equipment usage, cleaning techniques, chemical handling procedures, and emergency response protocols.

  2. Ongoing Education: Regular training sessions and workshops are conducted to reinforce staff knowledge and skills. These sessions are tailored to address emerging issues, new equipment, updated regulations, and industry best practices. Training materials, including manuals, videos, and interactive presentations, are provided to support continuous learning and development.

B. Communication

  1. Open Channels: [Your Company Name] Salon maintains open channels of communication to facilitate the exchange of information between staff members, management, and external stakeholders. This includes regular staff meetings, electronic communication platforms, and suggestion boxes where staff can provide feedback, report maintenance issues, or share ideas for improvement.

  2. Feedback Mechanisms: Staff are encouraged to actively participate in discussions regarding maintenance procedures and hygiene practices. Management welcomes feedback and suggestions from staff members, acknowledging their valuable insights and contributions to salon operations. By fostering a culture of open communication, [Your Company Name] Salon promotes collaboration and continuous improvement across all levels of the organization.

VII. Compliance and Regulations

A. Regulatory Compliance

  1. Local Health Regulations: [Your Company Name] Salon adheres to all relevant local health and safety regulations governing salon operations. This includes compliance with sanitation standards, licensing requirements, and regulations pertaining to the handling and disposal of chemicals and hazardous materials.

  2. Occupational Safety: The salon maintains a safe working environment for staff and clients by adhering to occupational safety guidelines. This includes providing adequate training on equipment usage, chemical handling, and emergency response procedures to mitigate risks and prevent accidents.

  3. COVID-19 Protocols: In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, [Your Company Name] Salon has implemented additional health and safety measures in accordance with public health guidelines. This includes mandatory mask-wearing, social distancing protocols, enhanced cleaning and disinfection procedures, and the provision of hand sanitizing stations throughout the salon premises.

B. Quality Assurance

  1. Internal Audits: Regular internal audits are conducted to assess compliance with maintenance procedures, hygiene practices, and regulatory requirements. These audits involve comprehensive inspections of equipment, facilities, and documentation to identify areas for improvement and ensure consistency in service delivery.

  2. Client Feedback: [Your Company Name] Salon solicits feedback from clients regarding their experiences, including perceptions of cleanliness, staff professionalism, and overall satisfaction. Client feedback is collected through surveys, reviews, and direct communication channels, allowing the salon to address any concerns promptly and continuously improve service quality.

VIII. Conclusion

A. Summary

Commitment to Excellence: [Your Company Name] Salon is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of cleanliness, safety, and professionalism. Through rigorous maintenance procedures, adherence to hygiene practices, and ongoing staff training, we strive to create a welcoming and hygienic environment where clients feel confident and comfortable.

B. Contact Information

For Inquiries: For any questions or concerns regarding maintenance procedures, regulatory compliance, or salon operations, please feel free to contact:

  • [Your Name], Salon Manager

  • Email: [Your Company Email]

  • Phone: [Your Company Number]

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