Scrum Sprint Planning

Scrum Sprint Planning

I. Introduction







II. Sprint Goal

  • The overarching objective of this sprint is to implement new authentication features and optimize database queries for improved performance.

III. Review of Previous Sprint

Sprint Number




Key Achievements

  1. Implemented user profile enhancements.

  2. Conducted performance testing on backend services.

IV. Product Backlog Refinement

  • Review and refine the items in the Product Backlog to ensure readiness for Sprint Planning.

  • Identified a new user story for enhancing password encryption.

V. Sprint Planning




10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

A. Setting the Stage

  • Purpose: Discuss the Sprint Goal and set expectations for the Sprint Planning meeting.

  • Agenda:

    1. Review the Sprint Goal.

    2. Clarify any questions or concerns.

B. Selecting User Stories

  • Criteria: Prioritize user stories based on value and feasibility.

  • Process:

    1. Review the Product Backlog.

    2. Discuss and select user stories for the Sprint.

C. Estimating Effort

  • Techniques: Use Planning Poker or other estimation techniques to estimate the effort for each selected user story.

  • Factors to Consider: Complexity, dependencies, and team capacity.

D. Creating a Sprint Backlog

  • Tools: Utilize a task board or project management tool.

  • Tasks:

    • Break down user stories into actionable tasks.

    • Assign tasks to team members.

E. Finalizing Commitment

  • Agreement: Ensure all team members are aligned on the Sprint Goal and committed to delivering the selected work.

  • Acceptance Criteria: Define clear acceptance criteria for each user story.

VI. Wrap-Up

  • Recap key decisions and commitments made during Sprint Planning.

  • Confirm the next steps and any follow-up actions.

VII. Next Steps

Date of Daily Standup



9:00 AM


Conference Room 1

Sprint Templates @