Salon Staff Training Meeting Minute

Salon Staff Training Meeting Minutes

These minutes document the Salon Staff Training Meeting, focusing on advanced hair coloring techniques. The session covered key skills, compliance with industry standards, and hands-on practice, aimed at enhancing staff proficiency and aligning their skills with the operational goals and quality expectations of the salon.

I. Meeting Details


[Month Day, Year]



II. Attendees



[Attendee Name]

[Absentee Name]

III. Agenda

  1. Introduction and Objectives

  2. Training Session on [Specific Skill or Technique, e.g. Hair Coloring Techniques]

  3. Hands-on Practice

  4. Feedback and Q&A

  5. Action Items and Closing

IV. Training Details

Topic Covered


Materials Used

Skills Practiced


Advanced Hair Coloring Techniques

[Instructor's Name, Senior Stylist]

Color charts, dye samples, styling tools, instructional videos

Color mixing, application techniques, color correction

Aligned with latest industry standards and safety protocols

V. Participation and Attendance

All participants engaged in hands-on training, practicing newly introduced techniques under close supervision. Progress was monitored and recorded to tailor ongoing development efforts effectively.

Participant Name

Skills Practiced

Progress Note

[Participant 1 Name]

Color blending, foil placement

Showed significant improvement in foil technique

[Participant 2 Name]

Root shadowing, toning

Needs further practice on even toning applications

Documented by: [Name], [Training Coordinator]

VI. Key Outcomes and Instructor Notes

This section captures the skills acquired by the participants and identifies areas where additional training is required.

Skills Acquired

Areas for Improvement

Effective bleach application techniques

Precision in timing and sectioning

Advanced toning and coloring matching

Further practice with pastel and vibrant shades

VII. Feedback Summary

Feedback from participants was collected through surveys and direct interviews. The training session received an overall rating of 8/10, with participants appreciating the practical application and interactive nature of the session but noting the need for more individual practice time.

Feedback Aspect


Rating (Out of 10)

Instruction Clarity

Highly clear and engaging instructions


Practical Application

Good balance of theory and practice


Pace of Training

Well-paced, though some desired slower progression in complex techniques


VIII. Action Items

Following the training, several tasks have been assigned to ensure the continuation of learning and improvement of the training process.


Assigned to


Training Material Updates

[Name, Training Coordinator]

[Due Date, e.g., two weeks from now]

Facility Setup for Next Session

[Name, Facilities Manager]

[Due Date, e.g., one month from now]

Advanced Practice Sessions Schedule

[Name, Senior Stylist]

[Due Date, e.g., ongoing monthly]

Post-Training Skills Assessment

[Name, HR Manager]

[Due Date, e.g., next quarter]

Feedback Analysis Report

[Name, Training Coordinator]

[Due Date, e.g., three weeks from now]

IX. Next Meeting

Date: [Next Meeting Date]

Time: [Next Meeting Time]

Location: [Next Meeting Location]

X. Closing Remarks

The training session concluded with remarks from [Instructor's Name, Senior Stylist], who emphasized the importance of continual learning and application of new techniques in daily salon operations. [Instructor's Name] thanked all participants for their active engagement and encouraged them to integrate the skills learned into their services to enhance client satisfaction and overall salon performance.


  • [Instructor's Name] highlighted the next steps for the participants, including accessing additional online resources and participating in upcoming advanced workshops to further refine their skills.

  • A reminder was given about the importance of safety and compliance with salon standards when applying new coloring techniques, especially those involving chemical processes.

  • Participants were encouraged to provide ongoing feedback on the training program to help tailor future sessions to their needs more effectively.

The session ended on a positive note with a commitment from all staff to apply the knowledge gained and to continue improving through practice and further education. The next training session was announced for [Next Training Date], focusing on emerging trends in hair care and styling.

The meeting was adjourned at [Adjourn Time].

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