90 Day Sales Sprint Planning

90 Day Sales Sprint Planning

I. Overview

In this 90 Day Sales Sprint Planning, the sales team at [YOUR COMPANY NAME] will strategize and set goals for the upcoming quarter to achieve maximum sales performance. The focus will be on aligning sales efforts with the company's objectives and adapting to market dynamics efficiently.

II. Sprint Goals

  1. Increase Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) by 15%

  2. Acquire 50 New Enterprise Clients

  3. Launch Two New Product Features

III. Key Activities

1. First 30 Days: Prospecting and Lead Generation

  • Conduct outreach to targeted leads through email campaigns, LinkedIn outreach, and networking events.

  • Qualify leads to identify high-potential prospects.

2. Second 30 Days: Customer Engagement and Relationship Building

  • Schedule product demos and meetings with potential clients to understand their needs.

  • Provide personalized solutions and proposals tailored to each client's requirements.

3. Last 30 Days: Deal Closing

  • Negotiate contracts and pricing terms with potential clients.

  • Overcome objections and address concerns to finalize deals.

IV. Sales Targets

A. Revenue Targets

  • Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)

    Current MRR


    Target MRR by the end of the sprint


B. Client Acquisition Targets

  • Total Number of New Clients: 50

Enterprise Clients


SMB Clients


V. Sales Strategies

1. Vertical Market Focus

  • Identify and prioritize target industries with high growth potential.

  • Tailor sales pitches and marketing messages to address industry-specific pain points.

2. Customer Success Initiatives

  • Implement customer success programs to ensure high retention rates and customer satisfaction.

  • Gather feedback from existing clients to improve products and services.

3. Collaboration with Marketing

  • Align sales efforts with marketing campaigns to generate leads and create brand awareness.

  • Provide input to the marketing team for content creation and messaging.

VI. Sprint Review and Retrospective

Sprint Review Meeting

August 1, 2050

  • Discuss achievements, challenges, and progress toward goals.

  • Review key metrics and adjust strategies if necessary.

Sprint Retrospective Meeting

August 5, 2050

  • Reflect on what worked well and what could be improved.

  • Identify actionable items for continuous improvement in the next sprint.

VII. Conclusion

This 90 Day Sales Sprint Planning provides a roadmap for the sales team at [YOUR COMPANY NAME] to drive revenue growth and achieve strategic objectives. By focusing on targeted activities, aligning efforts with business goals, and adapting to market changes, we aim to maximize sales performance and drive success in the upcoming quarter.

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