Backlog Sprint Planning


Name :

[Your Name]

Company Name :

[Your Company Name]

Department Name :

[Your Department]

Date :

[Current Date]

I. Sprint Overview

This Backlog Sprint Planning session for [Your Company Name] will prioritize and plan tasks from the backlog to be completed by the team starting from the period [Start Date] and ending on [End Date].

II. Objectives

  1. Review the backlog items.

  2. Estimate the effort required for each task.

  3. Assign tasks to team members.

A. Sprint Goals

  • Review and prioritize the product backlog items (PBIs).

  • Define the sprint scope with committed PBIs.

  • Align the sprint tasks with team capacity and sprint objectives.

B. Key Dates and Events




Sprint Planning Meeting


Mid-Sprint Review


Sprint Review and Retrospective

III. Backlog Items

The following table lists all items that the team has prioritized for this sprint session. These items are crucial for achieving the sprint's objectives.



Estimated Effort

Assigned To

Improve user authentication


5 Story Points


Implement payment gateway


8 Story Points


Refactor codebase


13 Story Points


Add social media integration


3 Story Points


IV. Resources

Essential resources that are required for successful completion of the sprint.

  • Access to the development server

  • Code review tools and software licenses

  • Database access permissions

V. Risk Management

Identified risks and mitigation strategies for the sprint:

  • Risk: Potential delay in third-party service integration.

  • Mitigation: Schedule early testing and have a backup plan with vendor support.

  • Risk: Unavailability of a key team member due to health issues.

  • Mitigation: Cross-training team members to cover essential tasks.

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