Bibliography For Kids

Bibliography for Kids

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I. Introduction

A bibliography for kids is a curated list of sources used or consulted when creating a project, report, or simply for learning about a topic. It helps children understand the importance of citing sources and gives credit to the authors whose work they've used. Encourage kids to explore various formats such as books, articles, websites, interviews, videos, and more, fostering critical thinking and research skills early on.

II. General Format

  1. Book Sources:

    • Author's Last Name, First Name. Book Title. Publisher Name, Publication Year.

  2. Website Sources:

    • Author's Last Name, First Name. Webpage Title. Website Name, Publication Date, URL.

  3. Journal Article Sources:

    • Author's Last Name, First Name. "Article Title." Journal Name, vol. Volume Number, no. Issue Number, Publication Year, pp. Page Range.

  4. Video Sources:

    • Video Title. Platform Name, URL, Publication Year.

  5. Interview Sources:

    • Interviewee's Name. Personal interview, Date of Interview.

III. Book Sources

  • Author's Last Name, First Name: Smith, John

  • Book Title: The Amazing Adventures of Space Cat

  • [Publisher Name]: ABC Books

  • [Publication Year]: 2050

Format: Smith, John. The Amazing Adventures of Space Cat. ABC Books, 2050.

  • Author's Last Name, First Name: Johnson, Emily

  • Book Title: Dinosaur Detectives

  • Publisher Name: XYZ Publishers

  • Publication Year: 2050

Format: Johnson, Emily. Dinosaur Detectives. XYZ Publishers, 2050.

IV. Website Sources

  • Author's Last Name, First Name: Green, Sarah

  • Webpage Title: Exploring the Solar System

  • Publication Date: 2051

  • URL:

Format: Patel, Green, Sarah. Exploring the Solar System. National Space Agency, 2051,

  • Author's Last Name, First Name: Patel, Rajesh

  • Webpage Title: Facts About Marine Life

  • Publication Date: 2021

  • URL:

Format: Patel, Rajesh. Facts About Marine Life. Ocean Discovery Institute, 2021,

V. Journal Article Sources

  • Author's Last Name, First Name: Brown, Maria

  • Article Title: Discovering New Planets

  • Journal Name: Astro Journal

  • Volume Number: vol. 15

  • Issue Number: no. 2

  • Publication Year: 2050

  • Page Range: pp. 25-36

Format: Brown, Maria. "Discovering New Planets." Astro Journal, vol. 15, no. 2, 2050, pp. 25-36.

  • Author's Last Name, First Name: Lee, David

  • Article Title: Understanding Dinosaurs

  • Journal Name: Prehistoric Studies

  • Volume Number: vol. 8

  • Issue Number: no. 4

  • Publication Year: 2051

  • Page Range: pp. 10-18

Format: Lee, David. "Understanding Dinosaurs." Prehistoric Studies, vol. 8, no. 4, 2051, pp. 10-18

VI. Video Sources

  • Video Title: The Solar System Explained

  • Platform Name: YouTube

  • URL:

  • Publication Year: 2051

Format: The Solar System Explained. YouTube,, 2051.

  • Video Title: Dinosaur Discovery Adventure

  • Platform Name: Vimeo

  • URL:

  • Publication Year: 2050

Format: Dinosaur Discovery Adventure. Vimeo,, 2050.

VII. Interview Sources

  • Interviewee's Name: Dr. Smith

  • Personal interview: Personal interview

  • Date of Interview: May 10, 2050

Format: Dr. Smith. Personal interview. May 10, 2050.

  • Interviewee's Name: Sarah Johnson

  • Personal interview: Personal interview

  • Date of Interview: February 5, 2051

Format: Sarah Johnson. Personal interview. February 5, 2051.

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