Free Chicago Style Bibliography Template



Free Chicago Style Bibliography Template

Chicago Style Bibliography

Prepared by: [Your Name]
Company: [Your Company Name]
Department: [Your Department]

I. Introduction

A Chicago Style Bibliography is a standardized format for listing all the sources used in a research paper or academic work. It follows the guidelines of The Chicago Manual of Style, which is widely used in the humanities and social sciences.

II. Bibliography Entries

1. Books

  • [Author's Last Name], [Author's First Name]. Title of Book. [Place of Publication]: [Publisher], [Year].

  • Example: Smith, John. The History of Chicago. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2050.

2. Journal Articles

  • [Author's Last Name], [Author's First Name]. "Title of Article." Title of Journal [volume number, no. issue number (Year)]: [page range].

  • Example: Johnson, Sarah. "Urban Development in Chicago." Journal of Urban Studies 25, no. 3 (2051): 45-60.

3. Websites

  • [Author's Last Name], [Author's First Name (if available)]. "Title of Webpage." Name of Website. [URL] ([Accessed Date]).

  • Example: Smith, Robert. "Chicago History Society." Chicago Historical Society. (Accessed May 1, 2052).

4. Chapters/Articles in Edited Books

  • [Author's Last Name], [Author's First Name]. "Title of Chapter/Article." In Title of Book, edited by [Editor's Name], [page range]. [Place of Publication]: [Publisher], [Year].

  • Example: Brown, Emily. "Art and Culture in Chicago." In Chicago: A Cultural Perspective, edited by Laura Johnson, 78-95. New York: Routledge, 2053.

5. Newspaper Articles

  • [Author's Last Name], [Author's First Name]. "Title of Article." Name of Newspaper, [Month Day, Year].

  • Example: Anderson, Michael. "Chicago's Economic Boom." Chicago Tribune, June 15, 2054.

6. Online Databases

  • [Author's Last Name], [Author's First Name]. "Title of Article." Name of Database (if applicable). [DOI or URL] ([Accessed Date]).

  • Example: White, David. "Societal Changes in Chicago." JSTOR. (Accessed April 28, 2055).

7. Interviews

  • [Interviewee's Last Name], [Interviewee's First Name]. Interview by [Interviewer's First Name Last Name]. [Date of Interview].

  • Example: Johnson, Mary. Interview by Robert Smith. May 5, 2056.

8. Government Publications

  • [Government Agency]. Title of Publication. [Place of Publication]: [Publisher], [Year].

  • Example: City of Chicago. Annual Report on Infrastructure. Chicago: City of Chicago, 2057.

III. Conclusion

This detailed Chicago Style Bibliography Template provides a structured format for citing various types of sources commonly used in research and academic writing. Adjustments may be needed based on specific citation requirements or additional details provided in the sources.

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