Free Turabian Style Bibliography Template



Free Turabian Style Bibliography Template

Turabian Style Bibliography

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I. Introduction

A Turabian Style Bibliography is a standardized format for citing sources in academic writing, particularly in the fields of humanities, arts, and social sciences. It follows specific guidelines outlined in the Turabian Style Manual, which is based on the Chicago Manual of Style.

II. Citation Format

Each entry in the bibliography should adhere to the Turabian style guidelines and include the following information:

  1. [Author's Last Name, First Name]. [Title of the Source]. [Publisher Name], [Publication Year].

  2. [Author's Last Name, First Name]. [Title of the Article]. [Title of the Journal] [Volume Number], no. [Issue Number] ([Publication Year]): [Page Numbers].

  3. [Author's Last Name, First Name]. [Title of the Book]. [Publisher Name], [Publication Year].

  4. [Author's Last Name, First Name]. [Title of the Webpage]. [Website Name], [Publication Date]. URL: [URL Link].

III. Sample Entries

  1. Books

    • Doe, John. The History of Art. Art Publishing, 2050.

    • Smith, Mary. Understanding Sociology. Sociological Society, 2051.

  2. Articles

    • Johnson, Robert. "Exploring Cultural Diversity." Journal of Cultural Studies 7, no. 2 (2052): 45-60.

    • Anderson, Emily. "Feminist Perspectives in Literature." Literary Review 25, no. 3 (2053): 112-125.

  3. Webpages

    • Brown, Michael. "Climate Change Facts." Environmental Awareness. Accessed April 15, 2054. URL: [].

    • Clark, Sarah. "Digital Marketing Strategies." Marketing Insights. Accessed March 20, 2055. URL: [].

IV. Conclusion

This Turabian Style Bibliography template provides a structured format for citing various sources commonly used in academic writing. Ensure to customize each entry with accurate information according to Turabian style guidelines.

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