Free Software Engineering Sprint Planning Template



Free Software Engineering Sprint Planning Template

Software Engineering Sprint Planning

Name :

[Your Name]

Company Name :

[Your Company Name]

Phone Number:

[Your Company Number]


[Your Company Email]

I. Introduction

Welcome to the Software Engineering Sprint Planning session for [Your Company Name].

II. Sprint Overview

A. Sprint Details

  • Sprint Name: [Spring 5.0 Development]

  • Sprint Duration: [January 10, 2050] to [January 24, 2050]

  • Sprint Goal: [Implement new UI features and optimize backend processes]

B. Participants

  • Scrum Master: [John Doe]

  • Product Owner: [Jane Smith]

  • Development Team:

    • [Alice Johnson]

    • [Bob Williams]

    • [Charlie Brown]

III. Sprint Goals

In this section, we'll outline the specific goals for the sprint and define the criteria for success.

A. Overall Sprint Goal

Complete implementation of new UI features and achieve 20% improvement in backend performance

B. Key Deliverables

  • UI mockups finalized

  • Backend optimization plan approved

  • Code refactoring completed

C. Success Criteria

  • UI features integrated without regressions

  • Backend response time reduced by 20%

  • All code changes reviewed and merged

IV. Sprint Backlog

The sprint backlog consists of all the tasks and user stories planned for the sprint.

A. User Stories

1. [User Story]

Description: As a user, I want to be able to filter search results by category

Acceptance Criteria:

  • User can select category from dropdown

  • Search results update dynamically

Assigned To: [Alice Johnson]

2. [User Story]

Description: As a user, I want to receive email notifications for important updates

Acceptance Criteria:

  • User can subscribe to email notifications

  • Emails are sent for new updates

Assigned To: [Bob Williams]

B. Tasks

1. [Task 1]

Description: Implement backend API endpoints for filtering

Assigned To: [Charlie Brown]

Estimate: [8 hours]

2. [Task 2]

Description: Design email notification templates

Assigned To: [Alice Johnson]

Estimate: [4 hours]

V. Sprint Planning Meeting Agenda

During the sprint planning meeting, we'll cover the following agenda:

  1. Review of Sprint Goals

  2. Discussion on Sprint Backlog Items

  3. Task Estimations

  4. Assigning Tasks to Team Members

  5. Confirming Sprint Commitment

VI. Sprint Review and Retrospective

At the end of the sprint, we'll conduct a sprint review and retrospective to assess the progress and identify areas for improvement.

A. Sprint Review

  • [Review Meeting Date Placeholder]

  • [Review Meeting Agenda Placeholder]

B. Sprint Retrospective

  • [Retrospective Meeting Date Placeholder]

  • [Retrospective Meeting Agenda Placeholder]

VII. Additional Notes

[Additional Notes]

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