Free Sworn Declaration Template



Free Sworn Declaration Template

Sworn Declaration

I. Introduction

I, [YOUR NAME], residing at [YOUR ADDRESS], solemnly declare and affirm the following statements to be true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.

II. Purpose of Declaration

This Sworn Declaration is made in connection with administrative matters, specifically for the purpose of applying for permits, licenses, or benefits where a sworn statement is required to verify eligibility or provide necessary information.

III. Statement of Facts

I declare that I am a lawful resident of the United States and currently hold citizenship status [IF APPLICABLE]. I further affirm that I am [YOUR AGE] years of age or older, and I am of sound mind and capable of making this declaration.

I hereby declare that all information provided in this declaration, including but not limited to my personal details, employment history, educational qualifications, and any other relevant information, is true, complete, and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

IV. Details of Administrative Application

This declaration is being submitted in support of my application for [SPECIFY THE PERMIT, LICENSE, OR BENEFIT BEING APPLIED FOR]. I understand that the information provided herein will be used to assess my eligibility for the aforementioned administrative matter.

V. Assurance of Truthfulness

I understand the legal consequences of making false statements or providing false information in this declaration. I affirm that I have provided truthful and accurate information to the best of my ability and that I am aware of the penalties for perjury under the law.

VI. Signature

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct.


VII. Witness Declaration

I, [WITNESS'S NAME], residing at [WITNESS'S ADDRESS], hereby declare that I witnessed the signing of this declaration by [YOUR NAME] on the date and place mentioned above.


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