Free Solvency Declaration Template



Free Solvency Declaration Template

Solvency Declaration

I. Declaration Statement

I, [YOUR NAME], currently serving in the capacity of [YOUR POSITION] at [YOUR COMPANY NAME], located at [YOUR COMPANY ADDRESS], hereby solemnly and sincerely declare the financial solvency of the aforementioned entity. This declaration asserts that as of today’s date, [YOUR COMPANY NAME] holds sufficient assets to meet its liabilities, without the expectation of insolvency in the foreseeable future, following a thorough review of our current fiscal positions, asset values, and outstanding obligations.

II. Details of the Declarant

The following personal and company details endorse the authenticity of this declaration:

  • Name: [YOUR NAME]

  • Position: [YOUR POSITION]

  • Department: [YOUR DEPARTMENT]


  • Company Address: [YOUR COMPANY ADDRESS]

  • Phone Number: [YOUR COMPANY NUMBER]

  • Company Website: [YOUR COMPANY WEBSITE]

  • Social Media Page/Profile/Handle: [YOUR COMPANY SOCIAL MEDIA]

III. Commitment to Accuracy

I affirm that all information provided here and the financial representations herein are accurate, true, and comprehensive, reflecting [YOUR COMPANY NAME]'s actual financial condition as of the current date. This declaration is made with honest judgment, based on the latest financial data available from our company records.

IV. Conclusion

This declaration stands as financial stability and solvency of [YOUR COMPANY NAME], reaffirming our commitment to transparent and responsible financial management practices

V. Signature

This declaration is signed to affirm the solvency of [YOUR COMPANY NAME] under my watch and belief that all conditions stated are representative of our true financial standing, as accurately and completely assessed to the best of my abilities and knowledge.

Date: [DATE]

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