Middle School Bibliography

Middle School Bibliography

Prepared by:

[Your Name]



Institution Name:

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I. Introduction

In the process of conducting research for academic projects, it is crucial to gather information from credible sources and give proper credit to the authors or creators of those sources. This bibliography serves as a tool to document the various resources consulted during the research process. By citing sources accurately, students not only acknowledge the work of others but also demonstrate their commitment to academic integrity. This introductory section outlines the basic elements of the bibliography, including books, articles, websites, and other resources, to assist middle school students in effectively documenting their research sources.


II. Books

  1. [Author's Last Name, Author's First Name]. The History of Ancient Civilizations. ABC Publishing, 2055.

  • This comprehensive book explores the rise and fall of ancient civilizations worldwide, offering insights into their cultures, achievements, and legacies.

  1. [Author's Last Name, Author's First Name]. Exploring the Rainforest: A Guide to Biodiversity. Green Press, 2060.

  • In this engaging book, readers embark on a journey through the rainforest, learning about its diverse flora and fauna and the importance of conservation efforts.

III. Articles

[Author Last Name, First Name]. “The Impact of Social Media on Teenagers.” Psychology Today, vol. 35, no. 2, 2053, pp. 45-57.

  • This article examines the psychological effects of social media usage on teenagers, discussing trends, risks, and potential benefits.

IV. Websites

[Author Last Name, First Name] (if available). “Understanding Climate Change.” National Geographic, National Geographic Society, 2052, www.nationalgeographic.com/climate-change.

  • This informative webpage delves into the causes and consequences of climate change, providing accessible explanations and compelling visuals.

V. Encyclopedias

Encyclopedia Britannica. 2025 Edition. Britannica Inc., 2050.

  • The Encyclopedia Britannica offers a wealth of information on various subjects, providing concise yet thorough entries for research purposes.

VI. Interviews

[Interviewee Last Name, First Name]. Personal interview. April 10, 2058.

  • In this interview, Michael Smith, a renowned historian, shares insights into the significance of ancient artifacts in understanding past civilizations.

VII. Documentaries or Films

[Director's First Name Last Name] The Story of Our Planet. Discovery Channel, 2054.

  • This documentary traces the history of Earth, exploring geological events, evolutionary milestones, and the impact of human activity on the environment.

VIII. Miscellaneous

UNESCO. World Heritage Sites: A Guide to Cultural and Natural Wonders. UNESCO, 2056.

  • Journey around the world through this informative guide, showcasing UNESCO's designated sites of outstanding cultural or natural importance.

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