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Dual-Use Declaration

Dual-Use Declaration

I. Purpose of Declaration

This Declaration serves to formalize the acknowledgment and compliance with dual-use export control regulations by [COMPANY NAME], represented by [AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE NAME].

II. Scope and Applicability:

The dual-use export control regulations, governed by national and international laws, pertain to the export, re-export, and transfer of certain goods, software, and technologies that have both civilian and military applications. As such, this declaration applies to all activities involving the export, re-export, or transfer of goods, software, or technologies by [COMPANY NAME], irrespective of the destination or end-user.

III. Commitment to Compliance

By signing this declaration, [AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE NAME] acknowledges and affirms that [COMPANY NAME] is committed to complying with all applicable dual-use export control laws and regulations. This commitment extends to ensuring the proper classification, licensing, screening, and documentation of controlled items or technologies in accordance with relevant authorities' requirements.

IV. Responsibilities and Obligations

[AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE NAME] acknowledges their responsibility to oversee and enforce compliance with dual-use export control regulations within [COMPANY NAME]. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Conducting thorough assessments to determine the export control classification of goods, software, or technologies.

  • Obtaining necessary export licenses or authorizations from competent authorities before engaging in controlled exports, re-exports, or transfers.

  • Implementing internal controls and procedures to prevent unauthorized access to controlled items or technologies.

  • Providing regular training and awareness programs to employees involved in export-related activities to ensure understanding and adherence to export control regulations.

V. Documentation and Record-Keeping

[COMPANY NAME] commits to maintaining accurate and up-to-date records of all export-controlled transactions, including but not limited to export licenses, classification determinations, end-user certifications, and screening results. These records shall be kept in accordance with applicable retention requirements and made available for inspection upon request by relevant authorities.

VI. Declaration of Understanding

I, [AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE NAME], on behalf of [COMPANY NAME], hereby declare that we understand the importance of complying with dual-use export control regulations and affirm our commitment to adhering to all relevant laws and regulations governing the export, re-export, and transfer of controlled items or technologies. We acknowledge that failure to comply with these regulations may result in severe legal consequences, including civil and criminal penalties.

VII. Conclusion

In conclusion, this declaration affirms [COMPANY NAME]'s unwavering commitment to compliance with dual-use export control regulations. By signing this document, [AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE NAME] acknowledges their responsibility to uphold these regulations and ensure that all export-related activities conducted by [COMPANY NAME] are carried out in full compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

XIII. Signature





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