Free Homeowners Insurance Declaration Template



Free Homeowners Insurance Declaration Template

Homeowners Insurance Declaration

I. Declaration Overview

This Homeowners Insurance Declaration (hereinafter referred to as the "Declaration") is a comprehensive statement of coverage provided for [YOUR NAME], policyholder with [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. The Declaration delineates the specifics of coverage, terms, limitations, and the duties of both the insured and the insurer pursuant to the governing policy agreement.

II. Policyholder Information

Policyholder Name: [YOUR NAME]
Policy Number: [POLICY NUMBER]
Effective Date of Policy: [EFFECTIVE DATE]
Expiry Date of Policy: [EXPIRY DATE]

III. Property Details

Insured Property Location: [INSURED PROPERTY ADDRESS]
Property Type: [PROPERTY TYPE] (e.g., Residential Home, Condominium)
Coverage Details: [COVERAGE DETAILS] (This should include types of coverage such as dwelling, personal property, liability, etc.)

IV. Coverage Limits

The Declaration outlines the specific limits for each type of insurance coverage, including but not limited to dwelling coverage up to [DWELLING COVERAGE AMOUNT], personal property coverage up to [PERSONAL PROPERTY COVERAGE AMOUNT], and liability coverage up to [LIABILITY COVERAGE AMOUNT]. Each category and its corresponding coverage are subject to the terms, conditions, and exclusions set forth in the complete insurance policy documentation.

V. Premium Details

Premium Amount Annually: [ANNUAL PREMIUM AMOUNT]
Payment Frequency: [PAYMENT FREQUENCY] (e.g., Monthly, Quarterly)
Next Payment Due Date: [NEXT PAYMENT DUE DATE]

VI. Contact Information of Insurer

Insurance Company Name: [YOUR COMPANY NAME]
Company Contact Email: [YOUR COMPANY EMAIL]
Contact Phone Number: [YOUR COMPANY NUMBER]
Official Website: [YOUR COMPANY WEBSITE]

VII. Declaration

I, [YOUR NAME], hereby acknowledge and agree to the terms laid out in this Declaration. I affirm that the information provided herein is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Furthermore, I commit to notifying [YOUR COMPANY NAME] of any significant changes to the information provided that may affect the terms of my home insurance coverage.


[Your Name]
[Position Title]
[Your Company Name]

Date: [Date]

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