Free Asbestos Declaration Template



Free Asbestos Declaration Template

Asbestos Declaration

I. Declaration of Intent

It is the intent of [YOUR COMPANY NAME] to provide full disclosure of any known asbestos-containing materials within the property to facilitate informed decision-making by potential buyers.

II. Statement of Compliance

We affirm that this declaration is made in compliance with all relevant regulations and standards governing asbestos disclosure in property transactions.

III. Assurance of Quality

[YOUR COMPANY NAME] is committed to providing accurate and reliable information regarding the presence of asbestos-containing materials, backed by thorough inspection, testing, and analysis procedures.

IV. Environmental and Social Responsibility

In accordance with our commitment to environmental and social responsibility, we recognize the importance of disclosing potential health hazards such as asbestos to protect the well-being of occupants and future generations.

V. Transparency and Accountability

We uphold principles of transparency and accountability by openly disclosing the findings of asbestos inspections and testing, ensuring that stakeholders have access to comprehensive information for informed decision-making.

VI. Inspection and Testing

An asbestos inspection was conducted by [YOUR COMPANY NAME] on [DATE OF INSPECTION], wherein samples of suspected ACMs were collected and analyzed by a certified laboratory. The results of the testing confirmed the presence of asbestos in the following areas:




VII. Risk Assessment

Based on the findings of the inspection and testing, it is determined that the asbestos-containing materials present in the property pose a potential health risk if disturbed or damaged. It is imperative that proper precautions and safety measures be taken when handling or renovating the property to prevent asbestos exposure.

VIII. Obligations and Responsibilities

As the seller, [YOUR COMPANY NAME] acknowledges the obligation to disclose the presence of asbestos-containing materials to potential buyers. It is the responsibility of the buyer to review this declaration and seek further information or conduct additional inspections, if necessary, prior to completing the property transaction.

IX. Conclusion

In conclusion, this Asbestos Declaration serves as a comprehensive disclosure of the presence of asbestos-containing materials in the property and is provided in accordance with applicable regulations and best practices.

X. Acknowledgement

I, [YOUR NAME], hereby acknowledge receipt of this Asbestos Declaration and confirm that I have reviewed and understood the information provided herein. I further acknowledge that [YOUR COMPANY NAME] has fulfilled its duty to disclose the presence of asbestos-containing materials in the property.

XI. Signature



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