Free Declaration of Authenticity Template



Free Declaration of Authenticity Template

Declaration of Authenticity

I. Purpose and Scope

This Declaration of Authenticity affirms that the work submitted is entirely the original work of the undersigned and has been developed independently with no unauthorized assistance. By signing this declaration, [YOUR NAME] pledges that all content, unless cited appropriately, originates solely from personal efforts related to [YOUR PROJECT/ASSIGNMENT TITLE] for [YOUR COURSE OR DEPARTMENT] at [YOUR INSTITUTION OR COMPANY NAME]. This declaration also covers any digital components and multimedia elements included within the work.

II. Statement of Authenticity

I, [YOUR NAME], certify that the work titled [YOUR WORK TITLE] is the result of my intellectual endeavors and creative pursuits. It contains no unattributed content from books, journals, internet sources, or other publications, nor does it incorporate material submitted for academic credit elsewhere by myself or others. All sources have been acknowledged according to the academic standards of [YOUR DEPARTMENT OR FACULTY NAME].

III. Affirmation of Sole Authorship

I affirm that all methodologies, arguments, findings, conclusions, and any graphical or textual content not explicitly credited to another source are my intellectual property. I acknowledge that failure to adhere to these principles may result in severe academic or professional penalties by [YOUR INSTITUTION OR COMPANY NAME].

IV. Acknowledgment of Institutional Policies

I have read, understood, and agreed to comply with the academic integrity policies as outlined by [YOUR DEPARTMENT OR FACULTY NAME]. I am aware that any breach of these policies may lead to academic sanctions or revocation of degrees awarded.

V. Acknowledgment of Source Material

I declare that all source materials used in the preparation of this work have been properly cited. I have used [CITATION STYLE USED, E.G., APA, MLA] for all references and citations within the document, ensuring that all borrowed ideas, direct quotations, and paraphrased materials are clearly identified.

VI. Declaration of Independence

This work has been completed without the unauthorized collaboration with others. All discussions or group projects related to this work were conducted in accordance with the academic conduct guidelines of [YOUR INSTITUTION OR COMPANY NAME].

VII. Assurance of Non-Duplication

I assure that this work has not been previously submitted for assessment in this or any other course. This work is unique and created specifically for [YOUR COURSE OR DEPARTMENT] during the current academic term.

VIII. Consent to Verify Authenticity

I consent to the use of plagiarism detection software to verify the originality of this work. I understand that my work may be retained as a sample for future reference by [YOUR INSTITUTION OR COMPANY NAME].

IX. Signature

This declaration is signed on [DATE], under the truthful assertion that the above statements are accurate and true to the best of my knowledge and belief.



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