Leave Statutory Declaration

Leave Statutory Declaration

I. Introduction

I, [YOUR NAME], hereby declare this Leave Statutory Declaration to formally request a leave of absence from [YOUR COMPANY NAME], effective from [START DATE] to [END DATE]. This declaration outlines the reasons for my leave and provides necessary details for administrative purposes.

II. Reason for Leave

The primary reason for this leave is [STATE REASON]. This could include medical treatment, family emergency, personal development, or any other valid reason as per company policies.

III. Duration of Leave

The duration of my requested leave spans from [START DATE] to [END DATE], encompassing a total of [NUMBER] days. During this period, I intend to fully comply with all company policies regarding leaves of absence and maintain open communication with relevant stakeholders.

IV. Responsibilities During Leave

During my absence, I have made necessary arrangements to ensure the smooth continuation of my responsibilities. [YOUR DEPARTMENT] has been informed of my leave and will be coordinating with [COLLEAGUE'S NAME], who will handle my tasks in my absence. I have provided comprehensive documentation outlining ongoing projects and instructions for any unforeseen situations.

V. Contact Information

While on leave, I, [YOUR NAME], serving as [YOUR POSITION] at [YOUR COMPANY NAME], can be reached at the following contact information:



Additionally, please feel free to contact [ALTERNATE CONTACT PERSON] at [ALTERNATE CONTACT INFORMATION] for any immediate assistance during my absence. They are fully briefed on ongoing projects and empowered to make decisions on my behalf if necessary.

VI. Return to Work Plan

Upon my return on [RETURN DATE], I will promptly resume my duties and responsibilities. I understand the importance of a smooth transition and will prioritize catching up on any missed work or updates during my absence.

VII. Approval

This Leave Statutory Declaration is subject to approval by [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. I understand that my leave request may be reviewed by the appropriate department or supervisor before final approval is granted.

VIII. Conclusion

In conclusion, I appreciate the understanding and consideration of [YOUR COMPANY NAME] regarding my leave request. I am committed to ensuring minimal disruption to the workflow during my absence and look forward to returning rejuvenated and ready to contribute upon my scheduled return date.

IX. Signature



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