Sponsorship Declaration

Sponsorship Declaration

I. Introduction

This Sponsorship Declaration is made by [YOUR NAME], currently holding the position at [YOUR DEPARTMENT] in [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. The purpose of this declaration is to outline the commitment and terms of the sponsorship, confirming that all details provided herein are accurate and endorsed by the declaring party. This declaration pertains to the sponsorship details as negotiated and agreed upon by relevant parties.

II. Company Details

The declarant, [YOUR NAME], is officially representing [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. Full company details are as follows: Email - [YOUR COMPANY EMAIL], Address - [YOUR COMPANY ADDRESS], Phone Number - [YOUR COMPANY NUMBER], Website - [YOUR COMPANY WEBSITE], and Social Media - [YOUR COMPANY SOCIAL MEDIA]. These details confirm the identity and legitimacy of the company in the role of a sponsor.

III. Declaration of Sponsorship

I, [YOUR NAME], hereby declare that [YOUR COMPANY NAME] commits to providing sponsorship as agreed in the sponsorship agreement. We commit to uphold our brand values and deliver on the promises laid out in the terms and conditions of our agreement, promoting a mutually beneficial partnership. All information provided in this declaration is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and is provided without any intent to deceive or mislead.

IV. Confirmation of Accuracy

All details mentioned in this declaration regarding [YOUR COMPANY NAME] and my own credentials as a representative are accurate, up-to-date, and verifiable. This declaration is made to ensure transparency and trust between [YOUR COMPANY NAME] and the party receiving sponsorship.

V. Conclusion

This Sponsorship Declaration signifies the commitment of [YOUR COMPANY NAME] to honor the terms of the sponsorship agreement and maintain integrity in our business relationships. We look forward to a successful collaboration and trust that this sponsorship will contribute positively to both parties involved.

VI. Signature

Date: [DATE]

Declaration Templates @ Template.net