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Interior Design Team Meeting Minutes

Interior Design Team Meeting Minutes



10:00 AM - 11:30 AM


Design Studio

Prepared By:

[Your Name]


  1. [Name], [Job Title]

  2. [Name], [Job Title]

  3. [Name], [Job Title]

  4. [Name], [Job Title]

  5. [Name], [Job Title]

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at [10:00 AM] by [Name].

2. Approval of Agenda

The agenda was circulated and approved without amendments.

3. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

The minutes from the previous meeting held on [Month Day, Year] were read and approved with no corrections.

4. Project Updates

[Name] reported significant progress, noting that the client has approved the final design mock-ups. Implementation will begin next week.

5. New Business

[Name] presented the initial design concepts for a new boutique hotel. Feedback focused on enhancing the lobby area to incorporate local art. The team discussed the upcoming International Design Conference. It was agreed that [10] team members will attend to gather insights and trends.

6. Issues and Concerns

Concerns about current resource allocation were raised, particularly regarding the need for additional freelance designers to meet deadlines. It was agreed to review the freelancer budget.

7. Action Items

  1. [Name] to initiate Project A implementation on [Month Day, Year].

  2. [Name] to provide an update on zoning approval for the project by [Month Day, Year].

  3. [Name] to present a report on budget feasibility for hiring freelancers by the next meeting.

8. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at [11:30 AM]. The next meeting is scheduled for [Month Day, Year], at [10:00 AM].

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