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Interior Design Review Meeting Minutes

Interior Design Review Meeting Minutes

Meeting Title: Interior Design Review Meeting

Date: [Date]

Time: [Time]

Location: [Location]




[Attendee Name 1]


[Attendee Name 2]


[Attendee Name 3]


[Attendee Name 4]


[Attendee Name 5]



  1. Review of Floor Plans

  2. Discussion on Color Scheme

  3. Selection of Furniture and Fixtures

  4. Lighting Design

  5. Any Other Business

Meeting Notes:

  1. Review of Floor Plans:

    • Presented updated floor plans incorporating feedback from the previous meeting.

    • Discussed circulation flow and spatial organization.

    • Agreed to make minor adjustments to the placement of furniture to optimize space utilization.

    • Action Item: Interior Designer to revise floor plans as discussed.

  2. Discussion on Color Scheme:

    • Presented color palette options based on client preferences.

    • Reviewed sample swatches and discussed their suitability for the space.

    • Unanimously agreed on a neutral color scheme with accents of blue and green for a calming atmosphere.

    • Action Item: Interior Designer to finalize the color scheme and provide color specifications.

  3. Selection of Furniture and Fixtures:

    • Presented proposed furniture selections and fixtures based on the design concept.

    • Discussed durability, aesthetics, and budget considerations for each item.

    • Unanimously approved the selection of mid-century modern furniture with minimalist fixtures to complement the design theme.

    • Action Item: Interior Designer to finalize furniture and fixture specifications and coordinate with suppliers.

  4. Lighting Design:

    • Presented lighting plan highlighting ambient, task, and accent lighting.

    • Discussed the importance of balancing natural and artificial lighting sources.

    • Agreed on the use of LED fixtures for energy efficiency and flexibility in lighting control.

    • Action Item: Interior Designer to finalize lighting layout and specifications.

  5. Any Other Business:

    • Discussed project timeline and upcoming milestones.

    • Confirmed the schedule for the next site visit and progress update meeting.

    • Action Item: Project Manager to circulate updated project timeline to all stakeholders.

Next Meeting:

  • Date: [Next Meeting Date]

  • Time: [Next Meeting Time]

  • Location: [Next Meeting Location]

Meeting Adjourned at [Time].

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