Academic Bibliography

Academic Bibliography

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I. Introduction

Citing sources accurately is crucial in academic writing to acknowledge contributions and maintain credibility. This concise bibliography template streamlines the process of documenting various sources, enhancing the clarity and professionalism of scholarly work.

II. Books

  • Smith, John. The Art of Writing. Acme Publishing, 2050.

  • Doe, Jane. Research Methods: A Comprehensive Guide. Oxford University Press, 2055.

III. Journal Articles

  • Johnson, Michael. "Understanding Quantum Mechanics." Journal of Physics, vol. 25, no. 2, 2055, pp. 45-60.

  • Garcia, Maria. "Exploring Cultural Identity." Anthropological Review, vol. 10, no. 3, 2021, pp. 123-135.

IV. Websites

  • Brown, David. "The Impact of Climate Change on Coastal Communities." National Geographic, National Geographic Society, 15 June 2050,

  • Roberts, Emily. "Understanding Artificial Intelligence." Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Stanford University, 2055,

V. Theses or Dissertations

  • Adams, Sarah. A Study of Environmental Policies. PhD dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 2053.

  • Chen, Wei. Exploring Cross-Cultural Communication. MA thesis, University of Oxford, 2054.

VI. Other Sources

  • Miller, Robert. Interview with Nobel Laureate John Smith. Personal interview, 10 March 2057.

  • American Psychological Association. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Book, 7th ed., 2056.

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