Sprint Communication Planning

Sprint Communication Planning

I. Introduction

Welcome to Sprint Communication Planning, designed to assist in effective communication planning throughout the sprint cycle at [Your Company Name].

II. Sprint Overview

A. Sprint Details

  • Sprint Number: [Sprint Number]

  • Sprint Duration: [Duration]

  • Start Date: [Start Date]

  • End Date: [End Date]

B. Sprint Goal

The primary objective of this sprint is to implement new features for our flagship product, enhancing user experience and performance.

III. Stakeholder Communication Plan

A. Identify Stakeholders

  • Product Owner: [Product Owner Name]

  • Development Team: [Development Team Members]

  • Scrum Master: [Scrum Master Name]

  • Key Stakeholders: [Stakeholder Names and Roles]

B. Communication Channels

  • Meetings:

    • Daily Stand-ups

    • Sprint Planning Meetings

    • Sprint Review Meetings

    • Sprint Retrospective Meetings

  • Email Updates: Weekly progress reports and important announcements.

  • Project Management Tool: Utilize Jira for task tracking and updates.

  • Instant Messaging: Slack for quick queries and updates.

C. Frequency of Communication

  • Daily: Stand-ups for progress updates and issue resolution.

  • Weekly: Weekly progress reports and sprint planning meetings.

  • As Needed: Ad-hoc meetings or emails for urgent matters.

IV. Communication Plan

A. Key Messages

  • Sprint Goal: Communicate the sprint goal and its importance to all stakeholders.

  • Progress Updates: Regularly update stakeholders on progress, obstacles, and achievements.

  • Decision Making: Ensure timely communication of decisions made during sprint planning and other meetings.

  • Feedback: Encourage feedback from stakeholders to continuously improve processes and deliverables.

B. Communication Schedule

Communication Activity




Daily Stand-ups




Weekly Progress Reports




Sprint Planning Meetings




Sprint Review Meetings

End of Sprint



Sprint Retrospective

End of Sprint



V. Crisis Communication Plan

A. Define Crisis Scenarios

  • System Downtime

  • Security Breach

  • Major Scope Change

B. Communication Protocol

  • Designated Spokesperson: Alice Johnson, Product Owner

  • Internal Communication: Notify team members immediately.

  • External Communication: Coordinate with PR department for external messaging.

  • Regular Updates: Provide regular updates until the crisis is resolved.

VI. Conclusion

[Your Company Name] aims to ensure transparent and effective communication throughout the sprint cycle, leading to successful project outcomes.

For further assistance, please contact [Your Company Name] at [Your Company Email].

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