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Declaration Of Rental Income

Declaration Of Rental Income

I. Declaration

I, [YOUR NAME], currently employed at [YOUR COMPANY NAME], located at [YOUR COMPANY ADDRESS], hereby declare the following information regarding my rental income. My declaration is made for the purpose of transparency and accurate record-keeping as dictated by pertinent regulations and the internal policies of [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. This information is true to the best of my knowledge and has been compiled accurately to reflect my rental earnings for the specified period.

II. Details of Rental Income

The total income garnered from property rentals during the current tax year, as of the date of this declaration, stands as an integral part of my personal income. The property owned and rented out is located at [PROPERTY ADDRESS(es)], which has been rented out for a period spanning [RENTAL PERIOD]. The total income received from rental transactions amounts to [RENTAL INCOME AMOUNT] during this period. These transactions have been maintained consistently with all legal and financial regulations stipulated by local and national authorities.

III. Company Contact Information

I can be reached for further clarification and detailed rental income history through my official company contacts: Email: [YOUR COMPANY EMAIL], Phone: [YOUR COMPANY NUMBER], or through the official website [YOUR COMPANY WEBSITE] and on our social media at [YOUR COMPANY SOCIAL MEDIA].

IV. Affirmation

I affirm that all information provided herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. No pertinent details regarding rental income have been knowingly omitted or misrepresented in this declaration. This statement is provided under the potential penalties of perjury, thus affirming the authenticity and accuracy of the contents within.

V. Conclusion

In conclusion, I attest to the accuracy and completeness of the rental income declaration provided above. It is my sincere intention to comply with all regulatory requirements and internal policies of [YOUR COMPANY NAME] regarding income disclosure. Should there be any need for further verification or clarification regarding my rental income, I am readily available through the provided company contact information.

VI. Signature


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