Free Attorney Fee Declaration Template



Free Attorney Fee Declaration Template

Attorney Fee Declaration

I. Introduction

In the matter of the billing and attorney fees, this document serves to affirm and detail the financial engagement between [YOUR NAME], hereafter referred to as "The Attorney," and [CLIENT NAME], hereafter referred to as "The Client." This declaration is to certify the attorney fees charged for services rendered relating to the legal matters specified herein. In adherence to professional standards and compliance with contractual obligations agreed upon with [YOUR COMPANY NAME], this declaration outlines the necessary financial details and processes involved.

II. Declaration of Attorney Fees

I, [YOUR NAME], of [YOUR COMPANY NAME], located at [YOUR COMPANY ADDRESS], declare under penalty of perjury that the following is a true and accurate reflection of the attorney fees incurred by the client, [CLIENT NAME]. These services were rendered through legal consultation and representation from [SERVICE START DATE] to [SERVICE END DATE]. I affirm that the hourly rate charged is consistent with my usual fees and the agreed terms are as follows: An hourly rate of [HOURLY RATE] with a billed total of [TOTAL HOURS] hours, amounting to a total fee of [TOTAL AMOUNT]. All services provided were crucial and directly related to the case entitled [CASE TITLE], case number [CASE NUMBER], at the court of [COURT NAME].

III. Additional Expenses

Furthermore, additional court-related expenses incurred during the process have been thoroughly documented and justified in this declaration. These include but are not limited to filing fees, administrative costs, and other miscellaneous expenses essential for the adept handling and successful resolution of the case. The total of these additional expenses amounts to [EXPENSE TOTAL].

IV. Confirmation of Payment

Payment of these fees by [CLIENT NAME] has been made via [PAYMENT METHOD]. The final settlement date was on [PAYMENT DATE], and acknowledgment of the receipt has been confirmed. This declaration acts as confirmation that there are no outstanding fees or expenses related to the aforementioned services beyond the total stated within this document.

V. Contact Information

Should there be any queries or need for additional details pertaining to this declaration, I can be contacted through my official email at [YOUR COMPANY EMAIL] or by phone at [YOUR COMPANY NUMBER]. More information can also be found on our website [YOUR COMPANY WEBSITE] or our official social media page [YOUR COMPANY SOCIAL MEDIA].

VI. Declaration Statement

I swear under the penalty of perjury that the aforementioned information is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. This declaration is made to attest to the financial relations settled between The Attorney and The Client regarding the legal services provided.

VII. Conclusion

In conclusion, this declaration serves as a comprehensive affirmation of the financial engagement between [YOUR NAME] as the Attorney and [CLIENT NAME] as the Client. It outlines the attorney fees, additional expenses, and confirmation of payment pertaining to the legal services rendered during the specified period for the case titled [CASE TITLE] at [COURT NAME]. The accuracy and completeness of the information provided herein are attested to under penalty of perjury. For any further inquiries or clarifications, please do not hesitate to reach out using the contact information provided.

VIII. Signature


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