Declaration Of Nominee Trust

Declaration of Nominee Trust

I. Introduction

This Declaration of Nominee Trust is hereby executed by [YOUR NAME], as the Settlor, establishing the [NAME OF TRUST] for the purpose of holding title to property and managing assets as outlined herein. The principal place of business for the trust is located at [TRUST ADDRESS], and [YOUR COMPANY NAME OR YOUR NAME] serves as the Trustee in accordance with the terms specified in this document.

II. Trust Establishment and Purpose

The [NAME OF TRUST] is established on [DATE] by [YOUR NAME] with the primary objective of holding property and conducting transactions for the benefit of the designated beneficiaries, whose identities are to remain confidential. The trust is designed to simplify the management of assets and facilitate transactions while maintaining the anonymity of the beneficiaries.

III. Appointment of Trustee

[YOUR NAME] hereby appoints [TRUSTEE'S NAME] as the Trustee of the [NAME OF TRUST]. The Trustee is granted all powers necessary to manage and control the assets of the trust, including but not limited to the acquisition, sale, and encumbrance of property, as well as handling all related financial and legal transactions.

IV. Powers and Duties of the Trustee

The Trustee shall have the following powers and duties:

  • To hold title to all properties transferred to the trust, both real and personal.

  • To manage, invest, and reinvest trust assets with discretion and without restriction, subject to all applicable laws.

  • To collect rents, pay necessary expenses, and distribute the net income to beneficiaries as specified in this declaration.

  • To enter into contracts, execute deeds, and perform all other acts that may be necessary or advisable to administer the trust effectively.

V. Declaration of Nominee Relationship

It is declared that [TRUSTEE'S NAME] acts solely as a nominee for the confidential beneficiaries of the [NAME OF TRUST]. The Trustee has no beneficial interest in the trust assets and acts only under the direction of [YOUR NAME] or the designated advisors as outlined in confidential supplemental documents.

VI. Beneficiaries

The beneficiaries of the [NAME OF TRUST] are to remain confidential and are designated in a separate written agreement that is not part of the public record. The Trustee acknowledges that their fiduciary responsibility is to these beneficiaries as directed by the terms of that agreement.

VII. Duration of the Trust

The [NAME OF TRUST] shall continue in effect until [TERMINATION DATE OR CONDITION] unless sooner terminated or extended by a written amendment to this declaration.

VIII. Signature

This Declaration of Nominee Trust is signed on [DATE] by [YOUR NAME], affirming the establishment of the trust and the appointment of [TRUSTEE'S NAME] as Trustee.



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