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Interior Design HR Letter

Interior Design HR Letter

[Your Company Name]

[Your Company Address]


[Employee Name]

[Employee Address]

Dear [Employee Name],

RE: Formal Warning - Insubordination

We hope this letter finds you well. We are writing to address a matter that has come to our attention regarding your conduct within the workplace. At [Your Company Name], we uphold high standards of professionalism, integrity, and behavior, and it is essential for all employees to adhere to these standards at all times.

It has been brought to our notice that on [Date of Infraction], you exhibited insubordinate behavior during a team meeting. Specifically, when tasked with completing a project by the assigned deadline, you openly expressed refusal to comply with the instructions provided by your manager. This behavior undermines the authority of management and disrupts the collaborative efforts of the team.

As an employee of [Your Company Name], it is imperative that you maintain appropriate conduct and adhere to our company policies and guidelines. Such behavior is unacceptable and has a detrimental impact on our workplace environment, team morale, and overall company reputation.

In light of the seriousness of this matter, we are issuing you a formal warning. This warning is intended to serve as a clear indication that any further infractions of this nature will result in more severe disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

We expect immediate improvement in your conduct and adherence to company policies. Additionally, we encourage you to take this opportunity to reflect on your actions and the impact they have on your colleagues and the company as a whole.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this warning, please do not hesitate to contact the HR department. We are here to support you in your professional development and ensure that you understand the expectations of your role within our organization.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


[Sender Name]


[Your Company Name]

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