Preschool Handbook

Preschool Handbook

This handbook serves as a guide for parents, guardians, and staff to understand our policies, procedures, and operations. Our goal is to provide a safe, educational, and nurturing environment for your children. We appreciate your trust in allowing us to play a crucial role in your child's early education and promise to uphold high standards in all our undertakings.

I. Introduction

A. Welcome Message

[SCHOOL NAME] is committed to providing a warm, welcoming environment that encourages your child to learn and grow. Our dedicated staff uses proven teaching practices and a curriculum that is influenced both by structured activities and play-based learning. We believe in fostering the physical, emotional, intellectual, and social development of each child in our care.

B. Handbook Purpose

This handbook is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of our preschool operations, policies, and the expectations we have for our community. By setting these protocols in place, we aim to ensure clarity and consistency at our preschool, making the environment safer and more conducive to learning for everyone involved.

II. Enrollment Information

A. Admission Requirements

Enrollment at [SCHOOL NAME] is open to children aged 3 to 5 years. Prospective students must have up-to-date immunizations and a completed enrollment application. We adhere to a non-discriminatory admission policy which ensures equal opportunity for all children irrespective of race, color, religion, national origin, or disability.

B. Necessary Documentation

Prior to admission, the following documents must be provided for each child: Birth certificate, Proof of immunization, Medical history form completed by a physician, Emergency contact information, and Parental consent forms for field trips and photo releases. Keeping records up-to-date helps us to cater better to the needs of your child.

III. Fee Structure and Payment Policies

A. Tuition Fees

Tuition fees at [SCHOOL NAME] are due on the first of each month. We provide several payment methods for your convenience, including direct debit, credit cards, and checks. Detailed information about tuition rates and additional fees can be obtained by contacting our administration office.

B. Late Payment Policy

Late payments can affect the operational capabilities of our preschool. A late fee will be charged if the tuition is not paid by the 5th of each month. Continuous late payments may result in suspension of services. We understand that financial situations can arise and encourage you to contact us directly for assistance or to discuss a payment plan.

IV. Daily Operations

A. School Hours

The preschool operates from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM, Monday through Friday. It is important that children are dropped off and picked up on time. Early drop-off and late pick-up services are available, and details on how to avail these services are available in the administrative office.

B. Meals and Nutrition

We provide morning snacks, lunch, and an afternoon snack. All meals served are nutritious and meet the dietary needs of children. Please inform us of any dietary restrictions or allergies your child may have. Our meal schedules and menus are designed to promote healthy eating habits.

V. Health and Safety Policies

A. General Health Rules

The health and safety of children are paramount at [SCHOOL NAME]. Children must stay home if they show signs of illness such as a fever, vomiting, or contagious diseases. A child may return to school only after being symptom-free for 24 hours or with a doctor’s note.

B. Emergency Procedures

In the event of an emergency, the school follows a detailed emergency procedure plan which includes evacuation routes, assembly points, and communication strategies. Training on these procedures is regular for staff, ensuring preparedness in unexpected situations.

VI. Parental Involvement

A. Communication

Regular communication between staff and parents is fostered through monthly newsletters, parent-teacher meetings, and our online portal. Our open-door policy allows parents to discuss their concerns with teachers directly or through scheduled appointments, fostering an atmosphere of mutual respect and collaboration.

B. Volunteering Opportunities

We encourage parents to get involved with various school activities, including field trips, celebratory events, and classroom activities. Your involvement adds tremendous value not only to your child's experience but also enriches the community spirit of our preschool.

VII. Amendments to the Handbook

This handbook is subject to changes and revisions at the discretion of the preschool administration. Notice of any amendments will be communicated to all parties involved at the earliest opportunity. We encourage parents to keep abreast of these changes to ensure alignment and coherence in expectations and practices.


Description of Revision


Initial version of the handbook published


Updated enrollment process section with new application form


Added section on parent involvement and communication


Revised discipline policy for clarity and consistency

Handbook Templates @