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Interior Design Payment Agreement

Interior Design Payment Agreement

This Interior Design Payment Agreement ("Agreement") is made effective as of [Date], by and between [Your Company Name] ("Designer"), with a principal place of business at [Your Company Address], and [Client's Full Name] ("Client"), with a principal place of business at [Client's Address].


WHEREAS, the Designer is engaged in the business of providing specialized interior design services;

WHEREAS, the Client wishes to avail itself of such services for the interior design of specified premises located at [Premises Address]; and

WHEREAS, the Designer agrees to provide such services according to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:

1. Scope of Services

The Designer shall provide a comprehensive range of interior design services ("Services") as meticulously detailed in Exhibit A, which is hereby incorporated into this Agreement by reference. These services include but are not limited to, initial project consultations aimed at understanding the Client’s vision and requirements, detailed space planning to optimize the functionality and aesthetics of the space, and the creation of design schemes that include selection of furnishings, finishes, and materials. Additionally, the Designer will manage all aspects of the project workflow, including the coordination with contractors for execution and with vendors for the procurement of necessary materials. This holistic approach ensures a cohesive design process from concept to completion, tailored to meet the specific needs and preferences of the Client.

2. Payment Terms

For the professional services rendered under this Agreement, the Client shall compensate the Designer a total sum of $[Specify Amount] ("Fee"). The payment structure for this Fee is as follows:

  • An initial payment constituting 50% of the total Fee, amounting to $[Specify Half of Amount], is required upon the Client’s execution of this Agreement. This payment secures the commencement of the Services.

  • The balance, constituting the remaining 50% of the Fee, amounting to $[Specify Half of Amount], is payable upon the completion of the Services. This final payment must be made no later than [Specify Date]. All payments shall be made in US dollars, unless an alternative currency or method of payment is mutually agreed upon in writing between the parties. The specified payments should be made to the Designer at the designated address provided, or through any other agreed-upon financial medium.

3. Completion Schedule

The Services provided under this Agreement are scheduled to commence on [Specify Start Date] and shall reach completion by [Specify Completion Date]. This schedule may be subject to reasonable modifications or extensions if mutually agreed upon by both parties, in order to accommodate any unforeseen circumstances or necessary adjustments to the scope of the project that may arise during the design process.

4. Responsibilities of the Client

The Client plays a crucial role in facilitating the seamless execution of the Services. The responsibilities of the Client include:

  • Providing all necessary information, documentation, and feedback promptly to the Designer to avoid delays in the project timeline.

  • Granting the Designer access to the premises where the Services are to be performed, as needed, for assessments, measurements, installations, or any other relevant activities.

  • Making timely decisions and approvals on selections, proposals, and other elements crucial for the advancement of the project schedule.

5. Changes and Amendments

Should there be a need to modify the originally agreed-upon scope of Services, such changes must be captured in a written amendment to this Agreement. Both parties must sign any such amendment, ensuring that any new terms are clearly understood and agreed upon. Alternatively, these modifications can be issued as new orders, governed under the terms of this existing Agreement.

6. Confidentiality

Throughout the duration of this Agreement, and indefinitely after its termination, both parties agree to uphold the confidentiality of all proprietary information, trade secrets, and any business-related know-how that is exchanged or disclosed during the course of executing the Services. This commitment extends to preventing any unauthorized sharing, use, or disclosure of such confidential information.

7. Termination

This Agreement may be terminated by either party if there is a significant breach of its terms and conditions. The non-breaching party must provide a written notice of 30 days to the other party, detailing the nature of the breach. The Agreement will terminate if the breach is not remedied within this 30-day period.

8. Dispute Resolution

In the unfortunate event of a dispute arising from or related to this Agreement, the parties agree first to seek a resolution through direct negotiation. If these negotiations fail, the dispute shall be resolved through binding arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association. The arbitration process will be conducted by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with said rules, and the resulting decision shall be final and binding on all parties.

9. Entire Agreement

This document, along with its attachments and exhibits, constitutes the full and entire agreement between the Designer and the Client concerning the subject matter herein. It supersedes all prior discussions, agreements, or understandings, whether oral or written. No amendment or variation of this Agreement shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by both parties.

10. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of [Specify State], exclusive of its conflict of laws provisions.

11. Signatures

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Interior Design Payment Agreement as of the day and year first above written.


[Your Company Name]



[Client's Full Name]


Appendix A: Scope of Services

Exhibit A to the Interior Design Payment Agreement between [Your Company Name] ("Designer") and [Client's Full Name] ("Client").

Project Overview:

The Services provided under this Agreement pertain to the interior design of the premises located at [Premises Address]. The project will encompass various phases, each critical to achieving a cohesive and functional design that meets the Client’s specifications and expectations.

Detailed Services:

  1. Initial Consultation and Project Brief:

    • Conduct an initial meeting to discuss the Client’s vision, preferences, and functional needs.

    • Establish the style, budget, and timeline for the project.

    • Create a comprehensive design brief that will guide all subsequent design activities.

  2. Design Conceptualization:

    • Develop and present initial design concepts, including mood boards, color schemes, and preliminary layouts.

    • Refinement of concepts based on Client feedback.

  3. Space Planning:

    • Detailed measurement and analysis of the space.

    • Creation of detailed floor plans and 3D visualizations to optimize the layout and functionality of the space.

  4. Selection of Materials and Finishes:

    • Selection of furniture, fixtures, equipment, and all finish materials such as flooring, wall coverings, lighting, and window treatments.

    • Coordination with suppliers to obtain samples and finalize selections.

  5. Design Development and Documentation:

    • Preparation of detailed drawings and specifications for construction and installations.

    • Submission of documents for Client review and approval.

  6. Project Management and Coordination:

    • Coordination with contractors and vendors for quotations and scheduling.

    • Oversight of purchasing and procurement activities.

    • Regular site visits to ensure compliance with design specifications and to manage any issues that arise during construction.

  7. Installation and Styling:

    • Supervision of the delivery and installation of furniture and fixtures.

    • Styling and accessorizing the space to enhance its aesthetic appeal and functionality.

  8. Final Walkthrough and Approval:

    • Conduct a final walkthrough with the Client to ensure all aspects of the project meet or exceed expectations.

    • Preparation of a punch list of any remaining tasks or adjustments.

    • Final approval and sign-off by the Client.

  9. Post-Completion Support:

    • Provision of care and maintenance instructions for all new installations and finishes.

    • Availability for post-completion adjustments and additional consultations as needed.

Goals and Objectives:

The primary goal of this project is to create an interior environment that reflects the Client's lifestyle and aesthetic preferences while ensuring functionality and comfort. The project aims to be completed within the agreed timeline and budget, with high standards of quality and Client satisfaction.

Amendment Provision:

Any amendment to the services listed in this Exhibit must be made in writing and signed by both parties, reflecting the agreed changes in scope, budget, or timeline.


This Exhibit A forms an integral part of the Interior Design Payment Agreement and is subject to the terms and conditions outlined therein. Acceptance by both parties of this Exhibit A confirms agreement on the scope and details of the Services to be rendered.

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