Free Policy Handbook Template



Free Policy Handbook Template

Policy Handbook

I. Introduction

Welcome to [Your Company Name]! As part of our commitment to fostering a positive and productive work environment, we have established guidelines for employee behavior and conduct.

II. Code of Conduct

  • Treat all colleagues, clients, and visitors with respect and professionalism.

  • Avoid discrimination or harassment based on race, gender, religion, age, disability, or any other protected characteristic.

  • Maintain confidentiality regarding sensitive company information and personal data of colleagues.

  • Comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and company policies.

III. Communication

  • Use appropriate language and tone in all forms of communication, including verbal, written, and electronic.

  • Respond promptly to emails and messages from colleagues and clients.

  • Avoid engaging in gossip or spreading rumors within the workplace.

IV. Attendance and Punctuality

  • Arrive on time for scheduled shifts or meetings.

  • Notify your supervisor in advance of any planned absences or late arrivals.

  • Follow the company's procedures for requesting time off or sick leave.

V. Dress Code

  • Dress in a manner that is professional and appropriate for your role and work environment.

  • Adhere to any specific dress code policies established by your department or the company.

VI. Use of Company Resources

  • Use company equipment, facilities, and resources responsibly and for work-related purposes only.

  • Avoid excessive personal use of company computers, the Internet, and other resources.

  • Report any damage or malfunction of company property to the appropriate supervisor.

VII. Conflict Resolution

  • Address conflicts or disagreements with colleagues in a constructive and respectful manner.

  • Seek assistance from your supervisor or HR department if you need help resolving a conflict.

  • Avoid engaging in behavior that escalates or prolongs conflicts within the workplace.

VIII. Disciplinary Actions

  • Understand that violations of company policies may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

  • Cooperate with any investigations into alleged misconduct or violations of company policies.

  • Follow the procedures outlined in the company's disciplinary policy if you are subject to disciplinary action.

IX. Conclusion

By adhering to the guidelines outlined in this Policy Handbook, we can create a positive and respectful work environment where all employees can thrive. If you have any questions or concerns about these policies, please don't hesitate to contact your supervisor or the HR department for clarification. Thank you for your commitment to upholding our standards of behavior and conduct.







Initial Release




Annual Update