Biodata for Christian Marriage

Biodata for Christian Marriage

I. Personal Information

  • Name: [YOUR NAME]

  • Gender: Male

  • Date of Birth: 15th August 2030

  • Height: 5 feet 10 inches

  • Marital Status: Single

II. Family Details

  • Father's Name: David Thompson

  • Mother's Name: Sarah Thompson

  • Number of Siblings: One sister

  • Family Status: Nuclear

  • Family Background: Our family is deeply rooted in Christian values and traditions.

III. Educational Background

  • Highest Qualification: Master's in Business Administration

  • College/University: University of New York

  • Field of Study: Business Management

  • Employment Status: Employed

  • Occupation: Business Consultant

IV. Religious Information

  • Religion: Christianity

  • Denomination: Protestant

  • Church Affiliation: St. Mark's Church

  • Role in Church: Youth Group Leader

  • Religious Practices: Active participant in church activities, prayer, and worship.

V. Personality Traits

  • Compassionate

  • Responsible

  • Enthusiastic

  • Passionate about community service

  • Hobbies include playing the guitar, hiking, and volunteering at local shelters.

VI. Preferences

  • Looking for: A partner who shares similar Christian values and is committed to a lifelong relationship.

  • Preferred Age Range: 28-32 years

  • Preferred Height: 5 feet 4 inches and above

  • Religious Preferences: Preferably Protestant Christian

VII. Contact Information





Social Media:


VIII. Additional Notes

  • I believe in building a strong foundation of faith and love in marriage, and I am excited to meet someone who shares these beliefs and values.

  • Open to getting to know individuals from diverse backgrounds who are committed to a Christ-centered relationship.

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