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Interior Design Progress Note

Interior Design Progress Note





Project Name:

[Project Name]


[Client's Name]

Prepared by:

[Your Name], [Your Position]


[Your Company Name]

I. Subjective Information

Client Feedback:

The client has communicated satisfaction with the overall design theme but has requested additional options for wall art to better align with their personal style preferences. There is a specific interest in incorporating modern abstract art pieces that feature vibrant colors to complement the existing decor.

II. Objective Findings

Project Status Update:




Initial Design Concepts


Client approved the initial design concepts.

Color Scheme Selection


Neutral tones with bold accent colors.

Furniture Installation

In Progress

Selected pieces have arrived and installation has begun without issues.

Client Feedback Session


Set to discuss current setup and potential enhancements.

III. Assessment

Progress Evaluation:

The project is progressing on schedule with all major milestones achieved as planned. The design elements, including the color scheme and furniture selection, align well with the client's expectations. However, additional attention is required to select wall art that captures the client’s unique aesthetic preferences, ensuring the final design fully embodies their style.

IV. Plan of Care

Next Steps and Adjustments:

  1. Artwork Selection:

    • Conduct a survey of contemporary art galleries and online platforms to identify potential wall art pieces that fit the client’s description.

    • Prepare a presentation of curated art options for client review.

  2. Client Collaboration:

    • Schedule a follow-up meeting with the client to present and discuss the curated wall art options.

    • Adjust the project timeline and budget based on the client’s selections to ensure seamless integration of the new elements.

  3. Project Management:

    • Update the project timeline and budget documents to reflect any changes post-client’s final art selection.

    • Continue to provide regular updates to the client to maintain transparency and adapt the project plan based on ongoing feedback.

Anticipated Outcomes:

With proactive management and responsive adjustments to the client’s feedback, the project is expected to proceed smoothly towards completion, adhering to the revised schedule and budget. Emphasis will be on ensuring client satisfaction through timely execution and thorough communication throughout the remaining phases of the project.

Estimated Project Completion: [Projected Completion Date]

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