Interior Design Inspection Checklist

Interior Design Inspection Checklist

This inspection checklist is designed to ensure that all aspects of our interior design projects meet the highest standards of quality and excellence. By systematically evaluating materials, finishes, furniture, accessories, and technology integration, we aim to deliver exceptional design solutions that exceed client expectations.

General Aesthetics

  • Verify that the overall design aligns with client’s specified theme.

  • Check for consistency in style and color schemes throughout the space.

  • Assess the placement of artworks and decorative elements for visual balance.

  • Ensure correct scale and proportion of furniture and fixtures in relation to room size.

  • Examine the lighting design for adequate illumination and ambiance.


  • Test all doors and windows for easy operation and proper sealing.

  • Check furniture for stability and durability.

  • Confirm that all fixtures are securely installed and operational.

  • Ensure that storage solutions are adequate and accessible.

  • Evaluate ergonomic placement of workspaces and furniture.

Materials and Finishes

  • Inspect quality and condition of wall coverings, paints, and finishes.

  • Check flooring materials for damage, stains, and proper installation.

  • Assess the quality and application of decorative moldings and trim.

  • Verify that fabric and textile selections meet the specified requirements for use and durability.

  • Ensure all countertops and surfaced are free of chips, scratches, and have been properly sealed.

Safety Standards

  • Confirm compliance with local fire safety regulations in the selection and arrangement of materials and elements.

  • Examine pathways and exits for unobstructed access in case of emergency.

  • Ensure that all electrical installations comply with the most recent standards for safety.

  • Review structural installations for stability and compliance with local building codes.

  • Check for the presence and accessibility of fire extinguishers and other safety tools.

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