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Personal Coach Customer Profile

Personal Coach Customer Profile

I. Client Information

Full Name:

[Customer's Name]


[Customer's Age]


[Customer's Gender]


[Customer's Phone Number]


[Customer's Email Number]


[Customer's Address]

II. Background

  • Education: Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration

  • Profession: Marketing Manager at [Company Name]

  • Family Situation: Married with two children

  • Health Status: Good overall, but struggles with work-life balance and stress management

III. Goals and Aspirations

  • Short-Term Goals: Improve time management skills, and achieve a better work-life balance

  • Long-Term Goals: Advance to a senior management position, start a side business

  • Personal Development Objectives: Enhance leadership skills, develop a healthier lifestyle routine

IV. Challenges and Obstacles

  • Current Challenges: Juggling career demands with family responsibilities, feeling overwhelmed by workload

  • Past Obstacles: Overcoming imposter syndrome, managing career transitions

  • Areas Needing Improvement: Assertiveness in professional settings, setting boundaries

V. Preferences and Interests

  • Hobbies: Yoga, hiking, reading

  • Interests: Personal development, entrepreneurship

  • Preferred Learning Style: Visual and hands-on experiences

VI. Personality Traits

  • Strengths: Detail-oriented, creative problem solver, empathetic

  • Weaknesses: Tendency to overcommit, perfectionist tendencies

  • Communication Style: Open and direct, but sometimes avoids confrontation

VII. Motivations

  • What Drives the Client: Desire to create a fulfilling career and balanced lifestyle, provide for her family, leave a positive impact

  • Key Motivational Factors: Recognition for achievements, opportunities for growth and advancement

VIII. Coaching Preferences

  • Frequency of Sessions: Weekly or bi-weekly

  • Preferred Coaching Methods: One-on-one coaching sessions, goal-setting exercises, accountability check-ins

  • Expectations from the Coach: Supportive guidance, honest feedback, practical strategies for achieving goals

IX. Previous Coaching Experience

  • Past Coaching Experiences: Participated in leadership development workshops, received mentorship from senior colleagues

  • Successes and Failures: Successfully managed a team through a challenging project, struggled with time management during peak work periods

X. Additional Notes

  • [Customer's Name] is highly motivated to make positive changes in her life and career but may need gentle encouragement to step out of her comfort zone.

  • She responds well to structured frameworks and appreciates clear action plans to follow.

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