On-Site Services Customer Profile

On-Site Services Customer Profile

I. Client Information

A. Organization Details

Organization Name:

[Organization Name]



Contact Person:

[Contact Person]



Contact Information:

[Contact Information]

B. Company Background

[Organization Name] is a leading technology consulting firm specializing in digital transformation solutions for businesses across various industries. With over two decades of industry expertise, Innovative Solutions Inc. has earned a reputation for delivering innovative IT solutions tailored to clients' specific needs.

II. Service Requirements

A. Service Types

  • Primary Service Needed: Installation of New Network Infrastructure

  • Additional Services:

  • Troubleshooting of Existing Systems

  • Training for Staff on New Software Platforms

B. Visit Frequency

  • Expected Frequency: Bi-weekly

The client anticipates bi-weekly on-site visits to address ongoing maintenance and support needs.

C. Scheduling Preferences

  • Preferred Days: Mondays and Thursdays

  • Preferred Time: Morning

The client prefers on-site visits on Mondays and Thursdays in the morning for minimal disruption to daily operations.

III. Geographic Reach

A. Location Details

Primary Location:

Headquarters - [City], [State]

Additional Sites:

  • Branch Office - [City], [State]

  • Warehouse Facility - [City], [State]

B. Travel Constraints

The client requests that on-site services be limited to locations within a 50-mile radius of each primary site to minimize travel time and expenses.

IV. Technical Specifications

A. Equipment Details

  • Network Infrastructure: Cisco Catalyst 9000 Series Switches

  • Servers: Dell PowerEdge R750 Servers

  • Software Platforms: Microsoft Azure Cloud Services

B. Integration Requirements

The client requires seamless integration of new network infrastructure with existing systems to ensure compatibility and efficiency.

V. Budget Constraints

A. Budget Allocation

  • Total Budget: $100,000

The client has allocated a total budget of $100,000 for on-site services, including installation, maintenance, and training.

B. Cost Considerations

The client is open to discussing cost-saving measures, such as bundling services or exploring long-term service contracts to optimize budget utilization.

VI. Expected Service Levels

A. Response Time

  • Expected Response Time: Within 24 hours

  • The client expects a response within 24 hours for service requests to ensure timely resolution of issues and minimal downtime.

B. Service Quality

The client places a high emphasis on service quality, expecting knowledgeable and professional technicians to deliver reliable and effective on-site support consistently.

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