Electric Vehicle Customer Profile


I. Customer Information

  • Customer Name: [Customer Name]

  • Company Name: [Company Name]

  • Contact Information:

  • Email Address: [Email Address]

  • Phone Number: [Phone Number]

  • Address: [Address]


  • Age: [Age]

  • Gender: [Gender]

  • Occupation: [Occupation]

  • Income Level: [Income Level]

  • Location: [Location]

II. Electric Vehicle Preferences

Interest in Electric Vehicles:

  • Currently owns an electric vehicle.

  • Consider purchasing an electric vehicle.

  • Not interested in electric vehicles.

Preferred Electric Vehicle Type:

  • Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV).

  • Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV).

  • Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV).

Reasons for Interest in Electric Vehicles:

  • Environmental concerns.

  • Cost savings on fuel.

  • Government incentives.

  • Performance and technology.

Previous Experience with Electric Vehicles:

  • None.

  • Test drove electric vehicles.

  • Rented or leased an electric vehicle.

  • Previously owned an electric vehicle.

III. Purchase History

Previous Vehicle Purchases:

  • Brand: [Brand]

  • Model: [Model]

  • Year: [Year]

  • Type: [Type]

  • Purchase Type: [Purchase Type]

  • Reason for Purchase: [Reason for Purchase]

Budget for Electric Vehicle Purchase:

  • Preferred Price Range: [Price Range]

  • Financing Options: [Financing Options]

  • Timeline for Purchase: [Timeline]

Incentives and Rebates Utilized:

[Incentives and Rebates]

Preferred Features in Electric Vehicles:

  • Range.

  • Charging infrastructure availability.

  • Safety features.

  • Connectivity options.

IV. Behavior Patterns

Usage Patterns:

  • Daily commute.

  • Long-distance travel.

  • Leisure and recreational drives.

  • Business use.

Charging Behavior:

  • Home charging.

  • Public charging stations.

  • Workplace charging.

  • Fast-charging preferences.

Feedback and Suggestions:

  • Improvements in range.

  • Charging network expansion.

  • Enhanced user experience.

  • Pricing considerations.

V. Additional Notes

Customer XYZ's Electric Vehicle Preferences and Feedback:

  • Preferred Electric Vehicle Type: Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV).

  • Reasons for Interest in Electric Vehicles: Environmental concerns and long-term cost savings.

  • Previous Experience with Electric Vehicles: Test drove electric vehicles but never owned one.

  • Budget for Electric Vehicle Purchase: Preferred Price Range: $30,000 - $40,000. Considering financing options with a 3-year timeline for purchase.

  • Incentives and Rebates Utilized: Interested in exploring available incentives and rebates for electric vehicle purchases.

Prepared by: [Your Name]
Company: [Your Company Name]
Email: [Your Email]
Address: [Your Company Address]
Phone: [Your Company Number]
Website: [Your Company Website]

Customer Profile Templates @ Template.net