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App Customer Profile

App Customer Profile

Prepared By :

[Your Name]

Company Name:

[Your Company Name]

Date Prepared :


I. Demographic Information

  • Age: 28

  • Gender: Female

  • Location: New York City, USA

  • Income level: $60,000 annually

  • Education level: Bachelor's degree in Marketing

II. Usage Behavior

  • Frequency of app usage: Daily

  • Time spent on the app per session: 20 minutes

  • Most frequently used features or sections within the app: Product catalog, Wishlist, Order tracking

  • Devices and operating systems used to access the app: iPhone 15 (iOS 34)

III. Purchase History

  • Frequency of purchases made within the app: Bi-weekly

  • Average transaction value: $50

  • Types of products or services purchased: Fashion apparel, Beauty products

IV. Feedback and Reviews

  • Ratings and reviews left by the user: Average rating of 4.5 out of 5

  • Sentiment analysis of feedback: Mostly positive, praising product quality and fast shipping

  • Common themes or issues raised in feedback: Occasionally mention sizing discrepancies

V. Engagement Metrics

  • Click-through rates on app notifications or messages: 25%

  • Participation in loyalty programs or referral programs: Active participant in loyalty program, referred 3 friends

  • Social media engagement related to the app: Regularly shares purchases on Instagram (average likes per post: 100)

VI. Preferences and Interests

  • Product categories or topics of interest: Sustainable fashion, Cruelty-free beauty

  • Personalization settings: Prefers email notifications for new arrivals and sales

  • Preferred communication channels for receiving updates or promotions: Email, Push notifications

VII. Customer Journey Mapping

  • Initial discovery of the app: Discovered through influencer recommendation on Instagram

  • Onboarding process and user experience: Smooth onboarding process with a personalized welcome message and discount offers

  • Key touchpoints and interactions throughout the customer journey: Regularly engages with app notifications for new arrivals and promotions

VIII. Segmentation and Targeting

  • Identification of specific user segments based on similarities in behavior or demographics: Millennials interested in sustainable fashion

  • Targeting strategies for each segment: Personalized product recommendations based on past purchases and browsing history

IX. Lifetime Value Analysis

  • Prediction of the user's lifetime value to the app: Estimated lifetime value of $5,000 based on consistent purchases and engagement

  • Strategies for maximizing lifetime value: Implement retention strategies such as loyalty rewards and exclusive offers tailored to preferences.

X. Conclusion

Understanding our target audience is fundamental to [Your Company Name]'s mission of delivering exceptional experiences through our app. By leveraging the insights gathered from this profile, we are better equipped to meet the diverse needs and preferences of our users. Thank you for your participation in shaping the future of our app.

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