Interior Design Delay Notice

Interior Design Delay Notice

Date: [Date]

Subject: Notice of Delay in Interior Design Project

Dear [Client's Name],

We hope this message finds you well. We are writing to inform you of an unforeseen delay in the interior design project for your new office headquarters located at [Location]. While we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of service, certain unavoidable circumstances have affected our projected timeline.

Cause of Delay:

Unfortunately, we have encountered significant supply chain disruptions affecting the availability of custom furniture and specific high-end materials essential for your project. These issues have impacted our ability to proceed as initially planned. We understand the importance of timely delivery for your project and are deeply sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Revised Timeline:

Our team is diligently working to address these issues, and we now anticipate that the project will be completed by the end of Q3 this year. We are taking all necessary steps to minimize the delay, including sourcing materials from alternative suppliers and increasing work shifts to accelerate progress as soon as all materials are available.

Next Steps:

We will keep you updated regularly as we make progress and adjust our schedules accordingly. Our project manager, [Project Manager's Name], will remain in touch and is available to answer any questions you may have about this updated timeline. They can be reached at [Your Company Number].


Please rest assured that we are fully focused on completing your project with the quality and style you expect from us. We appreciate your understanding and patience during this time.

Thank you for your continued trust in [Your Company Name]. We are committed to delivering a result that meets your expectations and will make every effort to resume normal operations as swiftly as possible.


[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Company Name]

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