Interior Design Disciplinary Notice

Interior Design Disciplinary Notice

Date: [Date]

Employee Name: [Employee's Name]

Position: [Employee's Position]

Employee ID: [Employee ID]

Subject: Disciplinary Notice for Unprofessional Conduct

Dear [Employee's Name],

This letter serves as a formal notice regarding the incident that occurred on [specific date], where your conduct did not meet the professional standards expected by [Your Company Name]. Specifically, your disregard for workplace safety protocols by neglecting to wear the required personal protective equipment during on-site visits has been considered a violation of our company's code of conduct.

This behavior is unacceptable and has resulted in potential safety risks and a formal warning from our safety compliance officer. We have previously discussed the importance of professional conduct in our workplace, and it is imperative that these standards are maintained to ensure a productive and respectful working environment.

Action Required:

Effective immediately, you are required to complete a safety training session by the end of this month and meet with your supervisor to discuss your commitment to safety standards. Failure to comply with these directives will result in further disciplinary actions, which could include suspension or termination of employment.

Please acknowledge receipt of this notice by sending us an email at [Your Company Email] by [deadline date].

We value your contributions to our team and trust that you will address this issue promptly to meet the standards that [Your Company Name] upholds.


[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Company Name]

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