Free Loan Acknowledgment Template



Free Loan Acknowledgment Template

Loan Acknowledgment

Date: November 19, 2050

Dear Pearl Bergna,

This document serves to confirm the loan agreement between [Your Company Name] and you. The loan amount of $15,000 has been disbursed, and the terms of repayment have been clearly defined.

The loan is due for full repayment by May 19, 2051, with an interest rate of 4.5% annually, as per the loan agreement. Any late payments will be subject to a penalty fee, and interest will continue to accrue.

For any inquiries or further assistance regarding the loan agreement, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Email].

This acknowledgment serves as the official documentation of our agreement, and we trust that you will adhere to the agreed-upon terms.


[Your Name]
[Your Email]
[Your Company Name]