Free Deed Restriction Template

Deed of Restriction


This Deed Restriction ("Restriction") is issued to ensure the preservation of property values within [Neighborhood Name], from now on referred to as the "Property", located at [Your Address].


I. Purpose

This Restriction aims to maintain the aesthetic appeal and overall quality of the neighborhood by regulating certain aspects of property development and use.


II. Restrictions

Architectural Standards

  • All structures erected on the Property must comply with the architectural standards outlined in the [Neighborhood Name] Architectural Guidelines, as amended from time to time by the [Name of Homeowners Association or Architectural Review Board].

Building Size

  • No structure erected on the Property shall exceed [Maximum Square Footage] square feet of livable floor area, excluding any approved accessory structures.

Landscaping Requirements

  • All landscaping plans for the Property must be submitted to and approved by the [Name of Homeowners Association or Architectural Review Board] before implementation. Landscaping must be well-maintained and by the established community standards.

Exterior Modifications

  • Any exterior modifications or alterations to existing structures on the Property must receive prior written approval from the [Name of Homeowners Association or Architectural Review Board].


III. Enforcement

The [Name of Homeowners Association or Architectural Review Board] shall have the authority to enforce this Restriction and may take legal action against any violations thereof. The violator shall bear any costs incurred in enforcing this Restriction, including but not limited to attorney's fees and court costs.


IV. Duration

This restriction shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the Grantor, Grantee, and their respective successors and assigns. It shall remain in full force and effect until it is released or amended in writing by the [Name of Homeowners Association or Architectural Review Board].


V. Acceptance

By accepting this Deed Restriction, the Grantee acknowledges and agrees to abide by all terms and conditions herein.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused this Deed Restriction to be executed on the date first above written.






This deed was acknowledged before me on this date by [YOUR NAME], Grantor, and [GRANTEE'S NAME], Grantee.



My commission expires:                               


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