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Partnership Deed



This Partnership Deed is made and entered into as of January 2050, by and between the undersigned partners.

Party A:

  • Name: [Your Name]

  • Email: [Your Email]

  • Company Name: [Your Company Name]

  • Company Number: [Your Company Number]

  • Company Address: [Your Company Address]

Party B:

  • Name: [Partner's Name]

  • Email: [Partner's Email]

  • Company Name: [Partner's Company Name]

  • Company Number: [Partner's Company Number]

  • Company Address: [Partner's Company Address]


I. Partners' Contributions

Each partner agrees to contribute the following for the capital of the Partnership:

  • [Your Name]: Contribution of $10000 comprised of cash, equipment, and intellectual property.

  • [Partner's Name]: Contribution of $10000 in cash and services.

II. Profit and Loss Sharing

Profit and losses shall be shared in the following proportion, consistent with each partner’s contribution to the Partnership:

  • [Your Name]: [Your Profit Share Percentage]%

  • [Partner's Name]: [Partner's Profit Share Percentage]%

III. Management and Decision Making

The general management of the Partnership shall be decided by majority vote with the following voting rights:

  • [Your Name]: [Your Voting Rights Percentage]% voting power

  • [Partner's Name]: [Partner's Voting Rights Percentage]% voting power

Major decisions impacting the partnership require at least a [Percentage Required for Major Decisions]% majority to proceed.

IV. Authority and Duties

Each partner is responsible for:

  • [Your Name]: Management of business operations and strategic planning.

  • [Partner's Name]: Oversight of daily operations and marketing strategies.

V. Salaries and Drawings

Drawings and salaries are subject to the following terms:

  • [Your Name]: Annual salary of $[Your Salary], with monthly drawings as needed.

  • [Partner's Name]: Salary of $[Partner's Salary] and permission for similar monthly drawings.

VI. Admission and Withdrawal of Partners

  • New partners can be admitted only with the unanimous consent of the existing partners.

  • Any partner can withdraw from the partnership with [Notice Period for Withdrawal] months' notice, subject to settlement of accounts as per this agreement.

VII. Dissolution and Winding Up

The Partnership may be dissolved upon:

  • Decision by a [Percentage Required for Dissolution Decision]% majority of partners.

  • Bankruptcy or voluntary cessation of business.

Upon dissolution, assets and liabilities will be distributed based on the partners' capital contributions after settling the Partnership’s debts.

VIII. Non-compete and Confidentiality Clauses

During the term of this Partnership and for [Non-compete Duration] years thereafter, no partner shall:

  • Engage in any business that competes with the Partnership within [Non-compete Geographic Limit].

  • Reveal or utilize any confidential information of the Partnership without prior written consent of the other partners.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Deed of Exchange as of the date first above written.








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