Free Grant Bargain Sale Deed Template



Free Grant Bargain Sale Deed Template

Grant Bargain Sale Deed

I. Recitals

This Grant Bargain Sale Deed is intended to legally transfer ownership and convey all rights, title, and interest in the below-described property from the Grantor to the Grantee under the terms outlined herein.

A. Description of Property

The property to be conveyed under this Deed is located at:

  • Lot Number: [Lot Number]

  • Street Address: [Property Address]

  • City, State, Zip: [City, State, Zip]

  • Legal Description: [Legal Description of the Property]

II. Terms of Conveyance

The Grantor does hereby grant, bargain, sell, and convey to the Grantee all the right, title, and interest in and to the property described herein, subject to the following terms:

A. Consideration

The total consideration for this sale is [Total Amount] U.S. Dollars ($), the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged.

B. Covenants of Title

The Grantor covenants with the Grantee as follows:

  • The Grantor is the lawful owner of the property and has the right to convey the same.

  • That the property is free from all encumbrances except as specifically enumerated in this deed.

  • That the Grantee shall have quiet possession of the property.

  • That the Grantor will warrant and defend the title of the property against the claims and demands of all persons.

III. Execution

In witness whereof, the Grantor has executed this Grant Bargain Sale Deed on the date first written above.



[Grantee's Authorized Signatory's Name],


IV. Notarization

This document was acknowledged before me on [Date of Notarization] by [YOUR NAME] and [Grantee's Authorized Signatory's Name].

[Notary Public Name]

Notary Public in and for [State]

My Commission Expires: [Expiration Date]

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