Free Basic Communication Plan Template



Free Basic Communication Plan Template

Basic Communication Plan

Written by: [Your Name]

I. Introduction

The purpose of this communication plan is to outline the strategy for effectively communicating [Communication Day Plan Details/Objectives].

II. Objectives

  1. Clearly communicate [Communication Day Plan Details/Objectives] to all stakeholders.

  2. Ensure timely dissemination of information.

  3. Foster transparency and accountability within the team.

  4. Solicit feedback for continuous improvement.

III. Target Audience

  • Internal Team: [Description of internal team members]

  • External Stakeholders: [Description of external stakeholders]

IV. Communication Channels

A. Internal Communication Channels




Regular updates will be sent via email to the internal team.

Team Meetings

Weekly team meetings will be held to discuss progress and address any concerns.


Important documents and announcements will be posted on the company intranet.

B. External Communication Channels



Press Release

A press release will be issued to announce [Communication Day Plan Details/Objectives].

Social Media

Posts will be made on [Your Company Social Media] platforms to engage with customers and stakeholders.


Information about [Communication Day Plan Details/Objectives] will be updated on the company website.

V. Timing and Frequency

  • Email Updates: Weekly updates will be sent every Monday.

  • Team Meetings: Meetings will be held every Friday at 10:00 AM.

  • Social Media Posts: Posts will be scheduled twice a week, on Tuesday and Thursday.

  • Press Release: The press release will be issued on [Date].

VI. Roles and Responsibilities

  • [Your Name]: Responsible for overseeing the communication plan and ensuring its implementation.

  • [Team Leader]: Responsible for communicating updates to the team and gathering feedback.

  • [Marketing Manager]: Responsible for managing external communication channels such as press releases and social media posts.

VII. Feedback Mechanisms

  • Surveys: Periodic surveys will be conducted to gather feedback from both internal and external stakeholders.

  • Open Door Policy: Team members are encouraged to provide feedback and suggestions at any time.

  • Feedback Forms: Forms will be distributed during team meetings for anonymous feedback.

VIII. Monitoring and Evaluation

Regular reviews will be conducted to assess the effectiveness of the communication plan and make any necessary adjustments.

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