Free Interior Design Affidavit of Truth Template



Free Interior Design Affidavit of Truth Template

Interior Design Affidavit of Truth

State of [State] County of [County]


I, [Affiant's Name], under penalty of perjury, solemnly affirm and declare as follows:


I am currently employed at [Your Company Address], and I make this affidavit in my capacity as [Your Designation] of [Your Company Name]. This affidavit is made to affirm the truth regarding the business practices within the context of the aforementioned company, based on personal knowledge.

Statement of Facts

  1. General Operations and Business Practices

    I affirm that the statements herein regarding [Your Company Name]'s business operations and practices in the field of interior design are true, complete, and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. This includes, but is not limited to, all aspects of our design, project management, client interactions, and the execution of interior design contracts.

  2. Operational Methods and Ethics

    The information provided herein represents a faithful and honest account of our operational methods and business ethics at [Your Company Name]. Our operations are conducted in accordance with established industry standards, and we adhere strictly to all relevant laws, regulations, and ethical guidelines pertinent to our field of work.

  3. Professionalism and Integrity

    I ensure that all dealings, projects, and transactions conducted by [Your Company Name] are performed with the highest standards of professionalism and integrity. This includes maintaining confidentiality where required, providing accurate and truthful representations of our services, and engaging in fair and ethical business practices at all times.

  4. Compliance and Regulatory Adherence

    I further affirm that [Your Company Name] complies with all local, state, and federal regulations applicable to our business. This includes, but is not limited to, adherence to labor laws, business licensing requirements, and any specific regulations governing the practice of interior design within our jurisdiction.

  5. Transparency and Accountability

    I declare that [Your Company Name] operates with a high level of transparency and accountability in all our business transactions. We maintain detailed records and documentation to support all our business activities and ensure that all financial transactions are conducted in accordance with standard accounting practices.

Sworn Oath

I, [Affiant’s Name], swear under oath that the information provided in this affidavit is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that this statement is given with no intention of evasion or deception.

Further Affiant Sayeth Not.

Executed on this _ day of [Month, Year] at [Location].


[Affiant’s Name]
[Your Designation]
[Your Company Name]
[Your Company Address]
[Your Company Email]


Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on this _ day of [Month, Year], by [Affiant’s Name], who is personally known to me or has produced [type of identification] as identification.

Notary Public:

[Notary's Name]
Notary Public, State of [State]
My Commission Expires:                               

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