Free Restaurant Department Meeting Minutes Template



Free Restaurant Department Meeting Minutes Template

Restaurant Department Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date: [Date]

Meeting Time: [Time]

Meeting Location: [Your Company Address]


  • [Assistant Manager]

  • [General Manager]

  • [Head Chef]

  • [Front-of-House Manager]

  • [Staff Member 1]

  • [Staff Member 2]


  1. Opening Remarks

  2. Review of Previous Minutes

  3. Operations Update

  4. Menu Changes Discussion

  5. Staffing Updates

  6. Customer Feedback Review

  7. Upcoming Events and Promotions

  8. Any Other Business

  9. Action Items and Follow-Up

  10. Closing Remarks

Discussion Points

1. Opening Remarks

[Assistant Manager] welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance.

2. Review of Previous Minutes

The minutes from the previous meeting were distributed, and attendees were asked if there were any corrections or additions. No changes were suggested, and the minutes were approved.

3. Operations Update

[General Manager] provided an overview of the restaurant's current operations, highlighting sales performance, inventory levels, and any challenges faced. Overall, operations were running smoothly, but kitchen efficiency was identified as an area for improvement.

4. Menu Changes Discussion

[Head Chef] presented proposed menu changes for the upcoming season, including new dishes and adjustments to existing ones. Feedback was sought from the team, and suggestions were made regarding ingredient sourcing and pricing.

5. Staffing Updates

[Front-of-House Manager] reported on recent staffing changes, including two new hires in the front-of-house team. A discussion ensued regarding scheduling conflicts and the need for additional training for new staff members.

6. Customer Feedback Review

[Assistant Manager] summarized recent customer feedback, noting positive comments about the friendly service but also highlighting concerns about wait times during peak hours. Strategies to address these concerns were discussed, including streamlining kitchen processes and improving communication between front and back-of-house staff.

7. Upcoming Events and Promotions

[General Manager] outlined upcoming events, including a wine tasting evening and a Valentine's Day promotion. Responsibilities for event planning and promotion were assigned to relevant team members.

8. Any Other Business

Open floor for any additional topics or concerns not covered in the agenda. [Staff Member 1] raised a concern about equipment maintenance in the kitchen, which was noted for further investigation.

9. Action Items and Follow-Up

  • [Assistant Manager] to follow up with kitchen staff regarding efficiency improvements.

  • [Front-of-House Manager] to schedule additional training sessions for new staff members.

  • [General Manager] to investigate equipment maintenance issues in the kitchen.

10. Next Meeting Date

The upcoming meeting for the department is set to take place on [Date] at [Time], and it will be held at the following location: [Your Company Address].

11. Closing Remarks

[Assistant Manager] thanked everyone for their participation and encouraged them to reach out with any further questions or concerns before the next meeting.

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