Business Analysis Work Plan

Business Analysis Work Plan









I. Introduction

This Work Plan provides an outline for conducting a comprehensive business analysis. Its purpose is to guide the project team through the analysis stages, ensuring alignment with organizational goals and stakeholder requirements.

II. Objectives

The main objectives of this Work Plan are to:

  • Define the scope and objectives of the business analysis.

  • Identify key stakeholders and their requirements.

  • Outline methodologies and tools to be used in the analysis.

  • Establish timelines for each phase of the analysis process.

  • Determine resources required for successful project execution.

III. Project Scope

A detailed description of the project boundaries and what the business analysis will address, covering areas such as:

  • Business processes to be analyzed

  • Systems and technology involved

  • Organizational units impacted

IV. Stakeholder Analysis

An assessment of individuals and groups affected by the project, detailing their influence and interest levels. Key activities include:

  • Identifying stakeholders

  • Gathering their requirements and expectations

  • Developing strategies to manage stakeholder engagement

V. Methodology

Description of the approaches and tools that will be used in the business analysis:

  • Data collection techniques (e.g., surveys, interviews)

  • Analysis tools (software, frameworks)

  • Reporting and communication strategies

VI. Work Breakdown Structure

A breakdown of the tasks and subtasks required, organized by phases:

  1. Initiation

  2. Requirement Gathering

  3. Analysis and Modelling

  4. Implementation Planning

  5. Review and Feedback

VII. Timeline

Timeline for the project with key milestones and deadlines:


Start Date

End Date


[Start Date]

[End Date]

Requirement Gathering

[Start Date]

[End Date]

Analysis and Modelling

[Start Date]

[End Date]

Implementation Planning

[Start Date]

[End Date]

Review and Feedback

[Start Date]

[End Date]

VIII. Resources

List of human, technological, and budgetary resources required:

  • Project Team Members: Names and roles

  • Technological needs (software, hardware)

  • Budget estimates and approvals

IX. Risk Management

Identification and mitigation strategies for potential risks:

  • Risk identification

  • Impact analysis

  • Risk mitigation measures

X. Conclusion

In conclusion, this Business Analysis Work Plan serves as a roadmap for conducting a thorough and effective analysis of the project at hand. By defining clear objectives, outlining the scope, identifying stakeholders, and detailing methodologies and resources, we ensure alignment with organizational goals and stakeholder requirements. The structured approach provided by the Work Plan, along with the delineated timeline and resource allocation, lays the foundation for successful project execution. Additionally, the inclusion of risk management strategies underscores our commitment to proactively identify and address potential obstacles throughout the analysis process. With this comprehensive plan in place, we are poised to deliver valuable insights and recommendations to drive informed decision-making and achieve desired business outcomes.

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